Status: Active

I Won't Go Down Easily

Chapter 3

The next morning, Aria was woken up by Ezra tapping on her door, announcing they've arrived in the Capital. That's when she realized that no, this wasn't another nightmare, it was reality.

She dragged herself out of bed and changed into a pile of clothes that was sitting on her dresser before following Ezra and Nash off the train, with Seth at her side. On their way to the building they would be training and staying in, Aria noted how different the Capital was, especially compared to District 4, her home.It was bright, colors seeming the least bit natural, almost artificial, and the buildings all looked tall and intimidating.

One thing was for sure, it was the least bit welcoming.

- - - -

"Ian will be here in a few minutes," One of Aria's stylists said before leaving the room.

Her team of stylists just finished all of their prep work, as in waxing her legs, eyebrows, and arms, and now she was waiting for Ian Keaggy, who would be her designer.

As if on cue, a tall, skinny guy with curly black hair came into the room. Aria was surprised by how normal he looked. He wasn't wearing makeup, like most Capital residents. She could see a few tattoos on his arms, that were peeking out from his shirt, and that was all.

"You must be Aria, I'm Ian," He said in a soft voice, with a smile that actually had real emotion behind it. Aria just nodded, not quite finding her voice yet.

"This is my fifth year working in the Capital for the games," He began "And I have some really great ideas for the tribute parade tonight. Since you're from District 4, I thought of a design that's a major part of your District." That's when Aria noticed the garment bag hanging on a hook by the door.

Ian gave her a smile before grabbing the bag and unzipping it, showing it to her. Aria gasped at how perfect the dress was. It was made of big sequins, all of them were different shades of blue, with some green and purple thrown in there as well. The sequins resembled fish scales and when light hit the dress, they shimmered just like a fish would in water.

"Wow...that's amazing." Arias managed to say. Ian grinned at her, proud of his creation.

"I'm hoping to get you as many sponsors as possible, Aria. I won't be much help to you while you're in the arena, but I sure as hell will be before. We're going to give District 4 a winner."

"Thank you," She whispered, wiping a tear from her cheek. Ian had given her hope that maybe, just maybe she could win these games. If she got enough sponsors, they could save her life by sending her food, water or medicine. She just had to stay strong, control her emotions and be likable. That wouldn't be too hard, right? Much easier than being threatening, which she wasn't even close to.

"I'm rooting for you," He said, giving her hand a squeeze, before getting up and calling her stylists back in to get her ready for the tribute parade.

Perhaps the winner of the 71st Hunger Games would be from District 4.