Status: Active

I Won't Go Down Easily

Chapter 5

The next day, Aria was woken up early for training. She quickly got up, threw her hair into a ponytail and changed into the plain clothes waiting by the door for her. Once she was finished, she was led to the Dining Room, where a big spread of breakfast was waiting for her. Immediately, her stomach growled after catching the scent of eggs, bacon and pancakes.

She joined Seth and Nash at the table, who were both already in the middle of eating.

"We have a few minutes before you two have to head down to the Training Center, so we can quickly discuss in more detail what it's going to be like," Nash said, pausing to take a drink of his coffee. "The careers will be showing off their strengths, there's no doubt about that. Pay close attention to them. Asses what their strengths and weaknesses are, and remember what they are, they'll come in handy when the games come around. Like I said before, work on your weaknesses, and improve what you already know. Got it?" The two tributes nodded in unison, hurriedly finishing their breakfast before being ushered out of the room. Ezra led them down the hall to the elevator, which brought them down to the Training Center.

"Well good luck!' She chirped happily. Aria grimaced at her tone, which really didn't match the situation, and pushed open the door, entering the gymnasium.

About half of the tributes were already there. All four of the careers were working with the spears. She watches as the male tribute from 1 lunged it at the mannequin, hitting it right where the heart would be. Aria immediately turned away, feeling bile rise up in her throat. It was much too easy to imagine that being herself. She shook her head, clearing away the morbid thoughts from her head, and made her way to the nearest station.

It turned out to be the knot tying station, and she smiled to herself. Knot tying was one of the things she was actually good at. Back home, she was one of the people who helped make the nets for the fisherman. After countless years of tying knots, it became somewhat natural to her; so natural in fact, that she could probably do it in her sleep.

At the station, there were diagrams explaining how to tie knots - it went from the most basic to remarkably advanced. Aria knew all of them except for the most advanced ones - and decided to use Nash's advice and improve her skill.

After successfuly tying yet another complicated knot used for trapping, she was joined be the male District 11 tribute. He was tall, had an average build, and looked to be about seventeen with hazel brown hair and dark brown eyes. No doubt he would be getting plenty of sponsors based solely on his looks.

As she untied her rope, Aria watched him work on one of the more basic knots. Actually, struggle would be more accurate.

"Here," Aria said, grabbing the rope from him. "Go over, not under, like this" She demonstrated, completing the knot in just a few seconds, and handing it back to him. "Now you try."

He mirrored her previous movements, flawlessly creating the knot after the first try. "Thanks, District 4." He said with a crooked smile.

"Aria," She corrected, returning the smile.

"I'm Ryan," He replied, offering his hand, which she shook. "You're really good with knots."

"Yeah, well when you spend almost every day making fishing nets, it gets to be quite natural."

"Oh yeah, that's right District 4- the fishing district."

"What about you? Any hidden talents you have?" Aria asked, smiling her first real smile since her name was called on Reaping Day. It was strange how light and easy the conversation was; almost like they weren't dsicussing what could get them far in a fight to the death, but rather something casual - like the weather.

"Nah, not really. District 11 doesn't exactly gear you up for this kind of thing. I just worked in the orchards." He replied, moving on to the next knot. "But, I suppose I am pretty good at climbing trees - not that that's really going to help me, though." He added after a moment of consideration.

"Well, you don't know that for sure. Maybe there'll be a lot of trees in the arena. They could provide shelter and safety for you."

Ryan paused, setting the half-finished knot down on the table. "That's true," He mused. "That is, if there even is trees. The arena could be anything. I mean last year, was a desert - a freaking desert."

"Yeah, well fingers crossed it isn't too horrifying," She replied, looking up at the Gamekeepers, wondering just what they had up their sleeves.

- - - - - - - -

"How'd training go?" Nash asked, as they were eating dinner, later that night.

"It was alright," Seth said, pausing between bites. "I worked on throwing knives and then made my way to the station that teaches you how to find shelter."

Nash nodded, then looked over at Aria. "And what about you?"

"I worked on improving at tying knots and making nets, then I learned how to decipher edible berries from poisonous ones."

"She made an ally, too. The boy from District 11." Seth chimed in, resulting in a glare from her.

"I didn't make an ally - we never said anything about an alliance. We just worked together at the knot tying station."

"Well, just don't get too attached," Nash muttered quietly, standing up from the table and leaving the room, but not before Aria heard him add "trust me" with a small sigh.

She wasn't sure what would be worse - being killed in the arena, or surviving and having to live with the painful memories of what happened. Clearly Nash was still stuck in the arena, the mere mention of it, would completely change him. His face would crumple, shoulders drop, and a dead look in his eyes would take over.

One thing was certain - she wasn't too keen to find out which one of those options would be her fate.
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So, what do you think, is Aria going to make it out alive or die? Comment and let me know what you think is going to happen! I won't give anything away, I'm just curious to see what everyone thinks!