Status: Active

I Won't Go Down Easily

Chapter 6

The rest of the first week of training was quite uneventful. Each day was a lot like the first - everyone seems to fall into a routine. The Careers continued showing off their strengths, while others watched them in fear, and Aria remained low key. She continued working on basic survival skills, like making a fire, finding shelter, and the important of using iodine when it came to drinking water.

Following Nash's advice, Aria also observed the Careers and learned what they were good at. The male District 1 Tribute, Cameron was incredibly strong and when he wasn't lifting weights, he was excelling in hand to hand combat. She made a mental note to stay clear of him both in - and out of the arena. Then there was Emerald, the other tribute from District 1. Every time she threw a knife at the targets, it would hit it right on the bullseye.

Finally, there was District 2. The boy, Jamie wasn't as strong as Cameron, but he was smarter. He didn't show off nearly as much, and he seemed to be the brains of the alliance; always thinking up new scenarios and strategies. Jamie also didn't stay at stations too long, moving on to the next one rather quickly and perfecting them all in no time. In Aria's opinion, he was one of the biggest threats. The last Career tribute was Thalia, and she was always at the archery station, constantly hitting the center of the target every single time. Things weren't looking too great for Aria. Even if she became moderately good at fighting, she still wouldn't stand a chance. Especially against all of those weapons, which would most likely be a one shot kill. Not that comforting of thoughts to be constantly occupying her mind.

After the first six days of working at almost every basic survival station, she decided it was time to move on to the combat ones. This wasn't something she was particularly looking forward to doing; in fact, she was rather dreading it. Aria didn't know anything about how to use the vast varieties of weapons available, let alone how to fight with them. Looking around, she noticed that the hand to hand combat was the least crowded, so that's where she decided to begin.

There was only one other tribute there, who she soon realized was Ryan. The two have talked a few times since the first day of training, but nothing of much substance. Both of them were hesitant on getting too friendly - they're all too aware that only one person will be emerging victorious. And they knew, that if they became too close, they wouldn't be able to kill each other if it came to it. So that's why they distanced themselves - just the occasional small talk if they ended up at the same station. Aria gave him a small smile before turning her attention back to the instructor - who was beginning to demonstrate some defensive techniques.

After a few hours, numerous bruises, and practice combats with the instructor, Aria and Ryan both got the hang of it and were feeling rather confident with their skills. It's funny how after the initial shock of being drawn into the games wore off, Aria had felt so hopeless; like she didn't have a chance. But now, a week into training, she had the smallest flicker of hope. No, she wasn't the strongest, or the most likely to win sponsors because of stunning looks and personality, but she was pretty smart. She was learning the basics of everything she'd need to survive, and she was lying low - other than the fact she had been talking to Ryan. She'd be the underdog. The one that the careers hadn't seen coming. And because of this strategy, she wouldn't have that many targets on her back.

It seemed like a good, and sensible plan; but that's all it really was - a plan. Things always seemed to work out differently than originally intended - especially in The Hunger Games. Aria was expecting the unexpected and preparing for whatever would be thrown her way.

She shook her head, clearing her mind and turning all of her attention back to learning fighting skills; completely oblivious to the fact that what actually happens is far different than what she could ever have imagined.