You're Such a Fool

Chapter Six

"You and Max did it? God damn, Radke. It took me almost a week to get Max to sleep with me." Nason exclaimed. I smirked triumphantly, grabbing a pack of cigs and a lighter from my side table and lit up.

I just got back from Max's and I called Nason up, proudly informing him on my progress. We've only been dating two days and I've already fucked him. It took Max so long to agree to go out with me, I thought it'd be a while before he actually let me fuck him. I guess Nason was right; He was easy.

"So how was it? Isn't he great?"

I thought to the fresh scratches and bite marks littering my body and took a drag from my cigarette.

"Yeah, dude. I was surprised."

The sex was great. Now I understood why Nason wanted him back. Max really knew what he was going. I might go as far as to say he was the best I ever had. I just couldn't believe Nason was paying me to sleep with Max.

Nason's stupid plan was looking better and better.

Nason and I talked for a while longer and then I went downstairs to get some food. I hadn't eaten dinner yet and I was starving. My dad finally went shopping so we actually had edible food.

I popped a TV dinner in the microwave and grabbed myself a beer. That was a normal dinner for me. I don't think I've had a real home-cooked meal since Thanksgiving six years ago.

For the first eleven years of my life, me, my dad, and Brad went to my grandma's every holiday to eat. My grandma was an old school, little southern woman. She was huge on family dinners.

Every Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, she'd cook a huge turkey, a ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, green beans, macaroni, corn, etc. And for dessert, she made both an apple and cherry pie. She was a great cook.

But three days before I turned 12, my grandma passed away. Needless to say, my birthday kinda sucked.

I sat down in front of the TV with my dinner, if you could call it that, and turned it on the history channel.


The next morning, I picked Max up for school. He had a huge hickey peeking out from the collar of his shirt. I felt a little proud.

I walked with Max to his locker where Craig was waiting. I slowed to a stop. It was way too early for his bullshit.

I told Max I had to take a piss and walked towards the bathrooms. Thought I didn't have to go, I couldn't stay with them because I'd probably punch Craig in the face and I wasn't in the mood for getting expelled.

Nason stopped me halfway to the restrooms.

"Dude, I told you not to talk to me in school. If Max see, he'll know something's up."

"Well, he's not around and I want details about last night."

Sometimes I wondered about if Nason was really a guy. Sure, he looked like a dude but he acted like a chick.

Back in elementary school, Nason and I played hooky and went down to the creek. It was about a mile from the school in a wooded area.

The creek was full of fish and frogs and I thought it'd be fun to catch tadpoles. Nason on the other hand said no because he didn't want to get mud on him.

What boy is afraid of mud?

Now Nason wanted me to give him details about Max and I having sex? Who does that? Nason was messed up in the head. Although I'm not much better because I had no problem going over all of the dirty details.

But before I could respond to him, I saw a familiar head of black hair bobbing through the hall.

"Shit, Max is coming." I pushed Nason away from me roughly. "I told you to stop talking to me, prick!" I said loud enough for Max to hear. I could only hope Nason was smart enough to catch on.

His lip twitched as he tried to give me a nasty look. Nason was the worse actor ever. If Max was going to find out, it'll be because of Nason.

"Whatever, dick." Nason stomped off over-dramatically and I almost face-palmed.

Max stopped a few feet away from me. "What was that about?" There was a trace of suspicion in his voice. I got a little nervous. I'm not sure Max was stupid enough to believe Nason's bad acting.

"He's been riding my dick for days to try to make me forgive him but now he apparently heard we were dating from a friend of mine and called me a back-stabber and shit."

Max's face was unreadable and I'm not sure if he fell for it. Max was smart, but he was also naive.

"That doesn't surprise me." He said. Yes!

The five minutes bell rang and Max took my hand. I let out a small sigh of relief and walked Max to his class. We kissed, and then I veered off to chemistry.


By the end of third period, I was so done with the day. I had a test in chem -failed-, I had to write an essay in English about a book I'd never read and to top it all off, my art teacher got me in trouble.

She was mad because I was late for her class... again. I tried to tell her how my English class was literally was on the other side of campus but then she accused me of talking back. I got pissed so I called her a bitch so she called the principal, who gave me an in school detention on Wednesday.

I didn't mind in school too much because I got to sleep all day. I was supposed to work on the assignments my teacher's sent that I was missing but I didn't even do them in class so why would I do them in detention?

I met up with Max after third to walk him to history.

"Why do you look so pissed off?" He asked. Evidently, he didn't miss a thing.

"This bitch got me an in school on Wednesday." I replied. "I'm thinking of skipping the rest of the day."


"Yeah, you want to come?" I'm not sure why I asked him. Maybe it just seemed like the right thing to do. I don't know.

"Uh- Well I've never-" He cut himself off. His cheeks turned red.

"You never skipped?"

Oh, this was just sad. Max dressed all hardcore and shit but he's never even played hooky. Yeah, he was definitely coming with me now.

I took him by the wrist and pulled him through the halls to the exit doors.

"Ronnie..." He said apprehensively.

When we got outside, I scoped it out for signs of any teachers or administrators. I've never been caught skipping so I don't know the penalties and I don't plan on finding out.

I figured the coast was clear and rushed Max out to my car. The school was too cheap to install security cameras so unless someone comes out and spots us, we'll be in the clear.

I peeled out of the parking lot and sped down the road. Max kept glancing back at the school, chewing on his nails. He looked almost... guilty? Oh my god. He truly was a nerd. He felt bad for skipping.

"Where exactly are we going?" He asked. I shrugged and looked at him briefly.

"Wanna go to the creek?"


"That was so much fun!" Max said.

After the creek, we went to eat lunch at some fast food place. Imagine the surprise on the cashier's face as we strolled in covered in mud. We ordered and, just to piss off the employees, ate in.

"I've never been down to the creek." He said


"My mom never let me."

"Never skipped, never caught tadpoles a the creek. What kind of sad childhood did you have?"

Max looked down at his plate, chewing thoughtfully. He swallowed. "My mom didn't like me playing outside or anything. I always wanted to play soccer but she said I needed to focus on my school work." He laughed humorlessly. "So I guess I had a pathetic childhood."

He looked kinda upset now and I almost felt bad for asking. Almost.

Instead of doing the right thing and trying to cheer him up, I just got up to throw away our trash.

I took Max home so he could change out of his muddy clothes and then we went to the lake. Like the last time, we sat in the bed, listening to music.

I pulled a cigarette out from the carton in my pocket and placed it in my mouth. I saw Max watching me and offered him one. To my surprise, he took it.

"I didn't peg you as a smoker." I said as I lit his for him.

"Yeah, well it calms me down."

He took a long drag then blew the smoke through his nose. I checked the time on my phone. It was only a quarter after one. We had two hours to kill before I could take Max home. He had to work on his project and I had some clients I had to meet with.

Most of the time was spent with my mouth attached to some part of his body. It was a nice way to pass the time.

When school let out, I took Max home so he could change for work, staying in the truck as requested by him, then drove him there.

"I'll pick you up at eight." I said, cracking my knuckles absently.

"Ok." Max kissed me then climbed out.

I drove home, picked up some supplies, then spent the next couple hours delivering them.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this was shit. I hate this chapter so much, I can't even tell you.

Sorry =[

I didn't mean to wait this long to update but with school starting, I've been swamped. Senior year is a bitch.

Speaking of, I'm actually at school right now so I didn't have time to read over this so again, I apologize for any mistakes.