
One - He Smiled At Me

The clouds were out today. They blanketed the sky, made it a threatening shade of grey. I wondered how long I would have of freedom before Mommy and Daddy got home from work...when I would have to go up to the attic.

The attic was my bedroom. It let rain seep through, and allowed snow to enter, and freeze. My tiny window was cracked, and my bed was a stack of newspapers that I'd collected over my 15 years. My blanket was Daddy's trenchcoat which I stole from the garbage when I was six. My pillow was a pair of Mommy's old slippers that I tied together with the fuzzy yarn Mommy threw away.

I wasn't worried about getting caught. Mommy and Daddy never came in the attic. They would call me out at exactly 6:30 AM for breakfast, noon for lunch, and 7:30 for dinner. I would meet them at the stairs, where I would get their leftovers. They would always call me out about 15 minutes later to take my tray. They never took my styrofoam plates or cups, though. They told me I could keep those. I used them for my art.

Art was a wonderful thing to me. I would take Mommy's paints that she would throw away, and mix them with some water to make them work again. I would always paint little pictures on the plates. I used Mommy's pins to make statues, too.

They had me registered for homeschool. Daddy would teach me for about four hours on Saturday and Sunday, and 2 hours during the week. I took online classes most of the time. I always wonder what public school would be like, though.

It was about 4:30 PM now. I was sitting in the pine tree just outside my window. Mommy and Daddy didn't know that I went out there sometimes. I would wait for them to drive down the street, towards my house, and then I would climb in once I heard the front door close.
I saw one of the public school boys walking home. He must have been the new neighbor, since I had never seen him before. He was kind of cute. I smiled at him, though I knew he couldn't see me...or could he? It looked like he was smiling back at me...but how could he have seen me? I kept on smiling as he walked into his house...which was apparently next to mine.

Then Mommy and Daddy pulled in.
"Desiree, we're home."

How could that boy have seen me? And why would he have smiled back? No one has ever smiled at me...except for Mommy and Daddy when they wanted something, and the homeschooling manager.

I fell asleep half-smiling.
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