John Doe

Mistake No.2

He first saw you at the coffee shop. If he had known this was the day he was going to meet 'The One' he would've brought his camera. He was siting at a table by the window and could hear your order.

"I'd like one tall caramel latte with skim milk please."

"Sure thing, that'll be three fifty."

He just knew it had to be you. Gut feelings don't lie. He's been waiting forever and you look like a gift from God. He pretends to drink his coffee, but his cup is already empty. You pick up your order and grab some napkins, it looks like your going to leave. He jumps up and quickly heads for the door. He keeps the door open as you walk towards.

"Thank you." you casually say.

"No problem." He thinks about following you, but he knows he can't. He was to wait to see you again, and he will.