John Doe

Mistake No.4

He's watching you as you wait for your coffee.

"Tall caramel mocha skim for Lela"

Lela. He mouths your name and it's perfect. He sees you grab your coffee. He was to act now, he refuses to go through another waiting game with you. He's rehearsed this hundreds of times he knows what to do. You're by the door now.

"Excuse me Miss, but is this your purse?" He shows you a small old purse he probably got from a thrift store around town.

"Um no, its not. Sorry." You say looking at him. You feel like you've seen him before.

"It's fine I just saw it laying around and thought I'd return it, I just thought it might be yours." He says. You need to leave soon or you're going to be late for your shift. You just smile at him and open the door to leave. "I'm John by the way." You hear him say behind you.

"Lela" You give his hand a shake and walk away. He was so nervous. He hopes you liked him. He's going to follow you just to make sure.