Status: In Progress

Leave Me Out of It

Part 13

'Must be nice, to have someone who's always watching out for you.' She mused to herself while shrugging her slipping bag up a little high on her shoulder. She was stealthily observing the Straw Hat's temporary traveling partner with a wary eye.

He was... interesting and dangerous, definitely dangerous. She knew instinctively that even without his outrageously powerful Devil Fruit powers that neither she nor anyone in the crew would be a match for him in a real fight. His strength was the real thing.

Sure, she knew that she was being overly cautious. However, that didn't mean that he wasn't observing everyone in the group as well, because she knew for a fact that he was. She could feel his subtle scrutiny of the whole crew ever since he landed on the Going Merry.

Surprisingly, he was friendly and polite enough, so she had no true reason to dislike him, and she didn't. She just didn't trust him. But then again, she didn't truly trust anyone. Trusting people was the most difficult thing for her to do. She had never relied on anyone in her life, had never let anyone watch her back because all of the people she had known would sooner stab it and leave her for dead than actually protect it.

She had seen firsthand what happened to those naïve enough to trust others wrought: betrayal and death.

People in general where a truly despicable lot.

But as cynical as she was, even she knew that this guy was different. His care and worry for Luffy was genuine, and she suspected that he was loyal to a fault, especially to her Captain, and his own. Also, she got the impression that once he made up his mind about something, nothing and no one could stop him.

Her hand unconsciously clenched around the strap of her bag. For the first time since joining up with the Straw Hats she felt the sting of true, bitter resentment towards him, her childish Captain. She really envied her idiot of a Captain. He was so damn lucky. Did he even know just how blessed he was?

She was so caught up in her whirlwind thoughts and emotions that she lost sense of the goings on around her, until she nearly ran face first into the broad back of their newest traveling companion, one "Fire Fist" Ace, and Luffy's older brother. When she realized just how close they were, she immediately jolted back a few steps with a low hiss of agitation and natural suspicion.

Too close! He was dangerous, and he was too close. Her instincts screamed and ranted at her stupidity – a mistake like that with the wrong person could've cost her, her life.

However, he didn't appear even remotely bothered, and that's exactly what set her on edge about him the most. He was too at ease with her so near. She knew that he wasn't unaware of her not-so-subtle defensiveness and distrust where he was concerned.

She stiffed when he turned, ever so slightly in her direction. For a moment they openly observed one another - him with a thoughtful gaze and a frustratingly composed expression, and her with tense battle ready features and a hard gaze that spoke volumes.

"You're not like the others." He flippantly announced his thoughts about her aloud.

Well, at least he was honest. She gave a stiff jerk of her chin in response, although she needn't confirm his statement. For that was exactly what it was, a statement.

"I am. What of it?" She bit back coolly, viciously strangling the hostility that threatened to leak into her tone. She wasn't about to carelessly pick a fight that she couldn't win. Not with this guy.

Then, most unexpectedly, he gave a wide almost boyishly charming grin and reached to adjust his hat. "Nothing really,"

He deliberately ignored the instant darkening of her features and the violent tic near the corner of her left eye. She had to bite her tongue to keep from lashing out at him in retaliation and frustration, as he finally drew his gaze away from her and towards their now empty surroundings.

He glanced around for a moment, before his features belatedly contorted into one of shock and disbelief. "What the-" he exclaimed, his tone almost panicked and his head twisting this way and that desperately looking for something.

It was that exact moment when she realized that she could no longer sense the presence of her crewmates. Her eyes blew wide and she too began to search the dunes desperately in hopes of spotting the rest of the Straw Hats, but there was nothing.

When it finally dawned on her that yes, she and Ace had indeed somehow fallen behind and were now lost... together in an ocean of sand, she very nearly punched the Second Division Commander of Whitebeard's crew out of reflex and extreme frustration.

This was just fucking great! Out of everyone, she just had to get lost with, with... him.

Hell, she'd happily take Zoro over this guy. At least with Zoro she knew where they stood, and she could actually get along with the swordsman. This guy on the other hand...

Her luck, she decided while throwing him a death glare, could not possibly get any worse.
♠ ♠ ♠
This... did not turn out as I had planned. It's supposed to be similar to an 'extra', I guess that's the right definition...? Also, it's way to damn long and awkward to boot. I really, really wanted to write this interaction scene between these two, and yet... now that I've written it I feel like banging my head against the nearest hard surface screaming 'what the hell were you thinking, you moron - it turned out like crap - you should of just deleted it - it makes absolutely no sense!'. -_-

Thank you for reading this crap and thank you so much for your time.