Status: complete

Confessions of a Spooky Kid

first and only chapter

Practically every day, it played out in the same way. Gidget would flirt shamelessly with Manson, only to be coldly rejected day after day. Still, he didn’t seem to be deterred.

Today was no exception. After trying to put the moves on the frontman again, Gidget was turned down for the billionth time.

Manson glared at him. “Look, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, I like you as a friend, but that’s it! I like tits, and only tits. And in case you haven’t noticed, I have a girlfriend, Missi. You’ve only met her about a thousand times.” He said, slightly annoyed that his basset didn’t seem to be getting the message.

“How do you know you wouldn’t like it if you won’t try it? Where’s your sense of adventure?” Gidget asked somewhat seductively.

“Because I like women too much to even consider sleeping with you.” Manson retorted.

From across the recording room, Pogo observed the scene. He was rocking back and forth in his favorite corner, watching them disapprovingly. Gidget should be flirting with him, not Manson, who didn’t even want him in the first place.
He couldn’t understand why the other man even bothered trying to chat up (and feel up) the frontman. Manson was straight as one could be, and turning down Gidget’s sexual offers became a daily routine for him.

Pogo wouldn’t reject him though, not in a million years. He loved everything about the bass player, from his creativity and good nature to his long wavy brown hair and his nice ass, which was often accented by his choice of attire. Not to mention that cute, infectious smile.

Truthfully, Pogo wanted him all to himself, yet the object of his desire didn’t seem to show any romantic interest in him. It really wasn’t fair.

What did Manson have that he didn’t? It couldn’t be his looks. While he wasn’t ugly, he wasn’t a knockout either. Overall, he was pretty average looking, so it had to be something about his personality. He had a dominant and at times devious personality, and could have a rather short tempter. He knew exactly what he wanted, and since he was a leader instead of a follower, he got shit done.
Pogo on the other hand wasn’t a leader or a follower. Instead, he was more of a lone wolf. A giggly, ADHD riddled lone wolf.

Perhaps it was his hyperactivity that was the problem. He knew his excess energy was a potential turn off, but every time he tried to be calm and tranquil, he became frustrated and usually panicked if he couldn’t think many erratic thoughts at once. Since he hated taking his pills, he hadn’t done so in months, but would consider taking them again if it meant he could be with Gidget.

Or maybe he could stop pussyfooting around and confess his feelings. After all, the worst thing that could happen would be that he’d get turned down. If that occurred, he’d have to take it like an adult and move on. At the very least, he could ask why Manson was apparently more sexually appealing than he was.

Yes, a confrontation was required. He needed the answer, even if it was one he didn’t want to hear.

He waited until Manson left the room to get up and approach his bandmate, sitting down next to him on the sofa. “Why do you waste your time flirting with him? He’s clearly 100% into women.” he asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

“I was wondering when you’d ask me that. You know, in all honesty, I don’t find him that attractive.” Gidget said.

“You don’t? Then why do you act that way around him?” Pogo asked, completely perplexed.

“To make you jealous.”

“Why would you want to make me jealous?”

“Come on, Pogo. I see the way you look at me. But I obviously don’t mind it. In fact, I kind of like it when I know you’re staring at me.” Gidget slid closer to Pogo, until there was only a few inches of space between them.

Awash with nervousness, Pogo struggled to find the words. It was very strange indeed, as nervous was not an emotion he was used to feeling, and being lost for words was foreign to him. Yet at this moment, he felt anxious and weak in the knees, as no one else had ever made him feel this way.
At the same time, he was becoming increasingly hopeful with each passing second. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but the words had been spoken just a moment ago: Gidget didn’t like Manson, he liked him. As thrilled and exited as he felt inside, he was still afraid of being turned down, so he tried to feign cluelessness.

“ like me? Like that?” he asked, trying to hide how hopeful he was.

Gidget smirked. “Pogo, for a man of your intellect, you can be really dense sometimes.”

Before the keyboardist could respond, Gidget put both his arms around him and pulled him in for a kiss. He was a good kisser too, as it was deep and passionate, but not too overboard.

Pogo’s eyes went wide and he had to use every fiber of his being to resist the urge to squeal in delight. Not only was he ecstatic, he felt warm and fuzzy all over, which was another emotion he wasn’t used to feeling. He quickly snapped out of his surprise and got more into it, softly biting down on Gidget’s lip ring and running his hands through that long, luscious hair of his.

Several seconds passed before Gidget broke the kiss and leaned back, teasing Pogo by hovering just out of reach.

Pogo blinked a few times. “I take that as a yes.”


Two months later, Pogo and Gidget were ambling down the street, hand in hand. They didn’t care who looked or who knew. If some close minded intolerant prick didn’t like it, they could go fuck themselves. As they walked, their built in douchebag detectors went off.

From across the street, a douchy looking frat boy in a polo shirt with a popped collar looked at them pure disgust. “Go to hell, faggots!” he taunted.

Pogo rolled his eyes. “Wow, what an original insult. Why don’t you come over here and say that to my face?” he asked.

He wasn’t surprised at all when the guy actually stalked over to them.

The jerk got right up in their faces, “I said you can go to hell, you filthy, disgusting faggots! Homosexuality is sick and wrong!” he snarled.

“Hey Pogo, this guy wants to kill us. You know what this is? A hate crime.” Gidget said, emphasizing the word hate.

Pogo knew exactly what he was talking about, and what he wanted him to do. His hands moved down to his belt, which was thick and black, with red rhinestones spelling out the word HATE in all capital letters. When the fratboy asshole wasn’t looking, he quickly took it off.

Gidget kept the asshole distracted by addressing him, “It’s kind of ironic that you’re calling us gay when you’re wearing a tight fitting salmon colored polo. I think that automatically makes you gay.”

Intense anger flashed over the aggressor’s face. “That’s it, you damn queer! I’m going to kill you!” he shouted and drew his right fist back.

Just he was about to throw a punch, Pogo forcefully snapped his hard, heavy belt against the side of his head, causing him to shout out in pain. As he staggered around, Gidget balled up his fist and sent it smashing into the douche’s face, resulting in a sickening crack.
Blood poured from his now busted nose, and he stumbled backwards, hitting his head on the brick wall behind him. He then fell to the ground, motionless.

Pogo stood over the unconscious man, examining him. “He’s just unconscious, nothing serious.” he informed before turning towards his partner. “Did you hurt your hand?”

“Nah. It hurts a little, but nothing’s broken.” Gidget said. He then searched through his pocket and retrieved a thin black sharpie marker. He walked over to the defeated douchebag, crouched over him, and began scrawling something on him.

Pogo cocked his head, trying to get a better view of what he was doing. Eventually he was able to read the derogatory remark written on him.

The douche now had the words “I got my ass kicked by a pair of queer, dick sucking, butt fucking faggots” written on his face.

Upon seeing it, Pogo giggled manically and embraced Gidget, kissing him roughly.
“That is just one of the many reasons why I love you.”

♠ ♠ ♠
I'll openly admit that I rushed the ending. I've always been bad at endings.

Also, I can't believe I haven't seen a fic with this pairing before. Pogo is hot, there should be more pairings involving him. (Honestly, you could write 5 way gangbang between Pogo, Nicki Minaj, Justin Beiber, Lindsey Lohan and Rick Ross, and I'd still read it just because it would involve Pogo). As for Gidget, he was a real cutie. Dare I say....cuter than Twiggy?

I will continue my Pogo's Playhouse fic, but I have some other things to work on as well.