"Mother" of the Year

Prologue - Jack

There’s so much yelling downstairs, and I know it's only her doing.

The shattering of class followed soon after.

My door was locked, but I still stared at it with worry.
I glanced at the two duffel bags that were packed.

This plan is going to get us hurt.
But it could only get worse if we continue to stay here.

I heard Lacey’s cries over the yelling, and that was enough to get me off of my ass.

I have to do this.
I have to do this!

I grabbed the bags, unlocked the door, and rushed into her room.

She was flailing her tiny limbs, screaming as tears poured down her cheeks.

“Shh…It’s okay, Lacey. It’s me…! It’s your big brother, Jack…!”
I gently picked her up, and that seemed to calm her down immediately.

The yelling downstairs continued as more glass shattered.

“I’m going to get us out of here, okay…?”

She was fast asleep, and that was only one of the things I could ask for.
She remained that way as I put her into the makeshift sling that was tied to my chest.

It’s dangerous to leave from the window, especially with Lacey in my care.
So, my only option is to…

I bit down harshly on my lip.

You’re doing this for her.
You’re doing this for her!

I picked up the bags, took in a deep breath and let it out before making my way towards the stairs.

She was passed out on the floor, a broken wine bottle in her hand.

I have to run for it.
This is our only chance!

I rushed down the stairs, stopping at the front door to unlock it.

Come on…
Come on…!

“Jack…? What the fuck are you doing…? Where are you going?!”

Come on and open, dammit!

I could hear her slowly standing up.

“Why do you have those bags…and why is Lacey…?”

The door opened and I didn’t hesitate to rush out the door.

“Where are you going with my baby?! That’s my baby!”

She was after me now, but I didn’t stop.
I grabbed my bike from the ground, but she managed to attack me with the bottle, cutting into my right cheek with one swing.

I dropped the bike to defend Lacey and myself.

“That’s my baby, you little shit! You can’t take her away from me! I won’t let you take her away from me!”
“You’re not fit to take care of her!”

Lacey was awake, and she immediately started crying.

“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up!!!”

She lunged at Lacey, but I managed to move out of the way in time.
I grabbed my bike again, quickly getting on it and started pedaling.

“My baby! He’s kidnapping my baby!!!”

I ignored her cries as I sped down the road.

After an hour of riding, I finally stopped when we arrived at the bus station.
I fed, changed, and examined Lacey to make sure she wasn’t hurt anywhere.

She was fine, and the station nurse tended to the gash on my cheek before I bought entry tickets.
We entered the bus – next stop: as far away from here as possible.

There were nothing but coos and giggles from Lacey, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“We’re going to be okay, Lacey. The Big Bad Woman can’t hurt us anymore.”
She giggled again.

I sighed and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

I refuse to let her know about the life that we had.
This is her chance, our chance to start anew.

Maybe Dad would have wanted that for us.

I froze up.

“W-What was that, Lace?”

“But I’m not…”

She made a grabby-hand motion as she smiled and giggled.

I frowned a little, but…
She still smiled at me, and she still kept calling me that.

“I…I guess I’m your Dad now, Lacey.”
Another coo and giggle in return.

I guess we’ll start our life anew, as father and daughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
And Jack's prologue before I retire for a couple of days hahaha
So have fun reading, lovelies! <3
'Til the next chapter!