"Mother" of the Year


“Do you think we need more balloons?”
I stood back, taking in the number of blues, oranges, reds, and greens that were floating in the air.

“People need to see and walk without balloons possibly hitting their faces, Aaron.”
Jayce called out from the kitchen – he was still decorating the cake.

“Okay, no more balloons. Dually noted.”

I put the package of balloons and the helium tank away before walking towards the living room.
The twins were battling each other with balloon swords while their grandmother was putting candy into the SpongeBob piñata.

“How’s it going, Mrs. Smith?”
I walked over to her with a small smile on my face.

“Child, I’ve known you for nine years, you were married to one of my sons for two years, and you have yet to call me ‘Mama’ once.”
“I thought it would be more formal…”

She scoffed and turned to me before placing a hand onto my shoulder.

“You know you’re family, right? No formalities needed, hun.”
“Okay, Mrs.—”

I stopped myself before she could give me her signature “You Done Fucked Up” look.

“Okay, Mama.”
“Mhm. The piñata is done. Do y’all need me to do anything else?”
“Just for you to continue being your wonderfully amazing self.”
“No need to flatter me. I’m gonna see if Jay needs help.”

And she walked off.

Two pairs of arms hugging at my legs.

“When do we get cake?”
Leave it to Scarlett to ask about food.

“You’ll have to wait, sweetie. Your party hasn’t even started yet.”
They both pouted.
“The party will start soon. We’ll play some games. Sing ‘Happy Birthday’, and then cake and presents, okay?”
“Okay.” – in unison.

I unhooked their arms from my legs and gave them a kiss on their foreheads.
Mrs. Smith…Err…“Mama” came back into the living room with a slightly displeased look on her face.

I walked into the kitchen, crossing my arms over my chest.
Jayce didn’t seem to notice.

“Did you tell her that she couldn’t help?”
“I’m almost done. It’s not needed.”

“But you know how much she loves to help…”
“Yeah, but I want her to relax for once.”
I sighed and was about to leave, only to be stopped by a tap on my shoulder.

“What, Jay—?”
I turned around quickly, only to have frosting smeared on my nose.

“Y-You…! That’s a waste of frosting!”
I sent a sharp glare towards him, but he only broke into a fit of giggles.

I wiped the frosting off and flicked his forehead before storming back into the living room – the twins went outside, lying on the ground while looking up and pointing at the sky.
I ran out to tell them to come back inside, especially since it’s cold outside, but stopped when I heard them.

“It looks like…a bunny!”
“I say it’s a dinosaur.” Followed by a roaring sound.
“Dinosaurs aren’t fluffy, Scarlett!”
“Says you!”

A sad smile made its way on my lips.

Matt and I used to do that.

“Alright, you two. Come inside. It’s cold and your guests should be here soon.”

| x | x | x |

Everyone seemed to be here.
The dining room was filled with food, presents, and conversing parents while the living room was filled with kids – and a half-beaten SpongeBob piñata.

The conversations were the same: questions about the twins – age, grade, ethnicity (since they’re adopted) – questions about my occupation – I only mentioned the day job of fixing musical instruments. Some parents would brag about their children or their spouses nonstop, so I tuned them out.

I heard the familiar rushed footsteps of two pairs of feet and braced myself.

“Mommy!” – in unison.

“We’re missing a person!”
Scarlett kept patting my leg – it’s what she does to make sure that she has my undivided attention.
I raised an eyebrow at them and before I could ask them who, the doorbell rang.

They both smiled hopefully and rushed towards the door.
I quickly followed them to make sure they didn’t open it without checking – luckily, they were looking through the window.

“Mommy, he’s here!”
They opened the door without missing a beat and hugged whoever was there.

“Kyle!” – Their reading tutor?
“Yay! You can come help us break the piñata!”

They didn’t hesitate to drag him inside, completely ignoring the larger figure at the door.
He nervously scratched the back of his head with a small smile – I might have been staring a little too long.

“Um, hello. I’m Alec, Kyle’s father.” – He held out his hand – “You must be Scarlett and Jayden’s father.”
Mother.” I corrected him and shook his hand.

I expected the weird look that I usually get when I say that, but he only continued to smile.

“May I come in? It’s a little chilly out here.”
“O-Of course! Sorry about that!”

He walked inside as I closed the door.

“All of the parents are hanging out in the dining room down the hall, so you can make your way there.”
He nodded and gave me another smile before doing so.

I looked down to see Scarlett tugging on my hand.
“Yes, sweetie?”

“Why are you blushing?”

My eyes widened as my hands instantly went to my cheeks.

“Is it because you’re cold?”
“Yes. That’s exactly why. Now, go back to your brother and your friends, okay?”

And she did what she was told.
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

There’s no way…
Get a hold of yourself, Aaron.

| x | x | x |

A couple of hours had passed.
The presents were opened and everyone grabbed a piece of cake – some guests decided to leave right after.
The twins were watching a movie with Kyle and a couple of more kids, while Jayce and…Alec were joking about something.

I took the opportunity to sneak outside for a small smoke break.
Pull out the lighter and the cigarette. Light up the cigarette.

Inhale. Exhale.

“Mind if I join you?”
I tensed up a little at the familiar voice, but didn’t turn to look.

I only gave a slight nod as I exhaled the grey smoke again.
A couple of footsteps and he was standing right next to me.

“Got bored, Alec?”
I’m sure that’s what his name was.

“Honestly, I was getting tired of the parents bragging and trying to outshine each other. Most of them left with their kids already, so I decided to come out here.”
I hummed in understanding, but still didn’t look at him.

It was silent for a moment.

“Is there something bothering you?”
“It’s none of your fucking business.”

Of course that would come out of my mouth.

“Okay. Sorry I asked.”
“No…I’m sorry. It’s just…”

I bit down on my lip.

He doesn’t need to know.

“I’m sorry…”
He apologized again.

I snuffed out my cigarette and dared to take another look at him.
My cheeks grew hot, like last time.

There’s no way.

“It’s getting late. Kyle and I should probably leave.”
He turned and was about to walk back inside, but he stopped and looked back at me.

“I guess…I’ll see you around?”
He had a small, hopeful smile on his face this time.

I bit down on my lip again.


We said our goodbyes, and everyone had finally left.
The twins were tucked into bed and Jayce and I were left to clean everything up.

“That Alec guy seems to be into you.”
I didn’t respond.

“Are you going to give him a chance?”
I still didn’t respond.

“…You know Matt would’ve wanted you to—”
“Don’t, Jayce. Just fucking don’t.”

And it was silent between us for the remainder of the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoops, long chapter, lovelies :x
Buuuut the character's list is posted! :D
Ace Lightning. <3
'Til the next chapter!