"Mother" of the Year


“So, how did the party go?”
I decided to go out with Mikael for a cup of coffee, since Kyle is spending time at his friend’s house.

“Well, Kyle seemed to have fun. The twins were happy that he was there.”
I took a sip from my cup, slightly grimacing at the heat.

“Do I brag about Kyle? Like a lot?”
Mikael shook his head as he bit into a bagel.

“You do it moderately. It’s not minimal, but it’s enough for a person to feel a little proud or to think highly of Kyle. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah , I guess…It seemed like the parents there wouldn’t shut up about their kids or themselves.”

“Did you have fun?”
“I would be lying if I said I did.”
“It was that bad?”

I took another sip.

“Not entirely. I did talk to the twins’…uncle? He was a pretty cool guy.”
“Just him?”

He gave me a knowing look that caused heat to rush to my cheeks.

“You met someone! Didn’t you?!”
“Jesus…Keep it down, Sherlock. You’re in public.”

That still didn’t stop him from smiling like an idiot.

“Who was she? O-Or he…?”
“Does it really matter? He didn’t really seem interested in anyone. Like, something was deeply bothering him.”

“Did you use your psychology knowledge to get it out of him?”
“You know it doesn’t work like that. Besides, he didn’t take it to kindly when I asked.”

He reached across the table and patted me on the shoulder.

“It’s okay. There are plenty of fish in the sea, right?”

He was silent for a moment.

“Okay, there’s something else bothering you.”
I sighed.

“Am I that easy to read?”
“Yes, because I’ve known you for seven years now. Now talk.”

“I told Kyle that he should talk to his crush – on another boy. You know how much I worry about him and his bisexuality. I’m afraid of what’ll happen if he does, but I’m also afraid to go back on what I told him.”

“I know you’re worried, Alec, but it’s the twenty-first century. People are more accepting. Kids seem to be the most accepting of it. The worst that can happen is that the boy says ‘No’ and walks away.”

“You know that’s not the worst that could happen.”
I absent-mindedly rubbed the inside of my wrist.

He placed a hand on mine to stop me.

“You’re still thinking about…and her…”
“They were both equally hard times.”

Another moment of silence.

“Kyle will be fine, okay? And – possible rejection aside – he might have his first ‘boyfriend’.”
Mikael gave me a reassuring smile.

I gave him a slight smile back.

“Alright, but don’t say ‘boyfriend’. He’s still a little too young for that.”
“Typical father-thing to say.”
“Doing what I do best.”

He let out a small laugh and moved his hand away before sitting back into his chair.

“Back to the subject of your dating dilemma—”
He held up a hand to tell me to shut up.

“I’m still attempting to get you out of the house for ‘Guys Night’ this Wednesday.”
“On Christmas Eve?”

“There’s nothing wrong with partying a little before spending the next day with family. Besides, when Rosa’s mother is in the house, I’m not allowed to cook or do anything for that matter. And the family is coming in today.”

He sighed.

“Anyway, there’s this club that a friend told me about, and I would like to take you there and treat you for the night.”
“You know I don’t like drinking too much.”
“You can choose just how much you want to drink.”

“And Kyle?”
“He can stay with Rosa and her family until we get back. Plenty of kids his age will be there, so you won’t have to worry about him.”
“But I still have to ask him if he would be okay with it.”
“Fair enough.”

It seemed like a fun idea.


“Exactly what kind of club is it?”
“That’s for me to know, for you to find out, and for you to have fun.”

And now I’m worried, and I’m sure it showed on my face.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine, and you’ll probably thank me the next day.”
“Whatever you say.”

| x | x | x |

“Are you sure you’re okay with it, Kyle?”
We were in the living room, wrapping up a couple of presents for Mikael and Rosa.

“Yeah! Well…You still have one-hundred and fifty exams left to grade, but you’re halfway there and you deserve a break! Besides, when was the last time you hung out with your friends?”

I was silent.

When was the last time again?

“My point exactly. Besides, I can make some new friends and practicar mi español while I’m there.”
He gave me a large smile as he finished wrapping.

Shortly after, his eyes widened in realization.

“But you’ll be back home in time for Christmas though, right?”
“Yeah! Of course!”
“Okay, good. Cause that would suck.”

“C’mere, you!”
I smiled and pulled him into a hug before ruffling his hair – I got a laugh and small protests in return.

“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, Kyle.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi, lovelies!
I don't really have much to say except, thank you all for reading/commenting/recommending so far. It really means a lot. <3
Ace Lightning., Gem_Jar93 <3
'Til the next chapter!