Status: Should I Continue?

Kraven Town


A harsh, cold wind blew through the deserted streets of Kraven Town. This was a continuous cycle now, on Monday's it rained, on Tuesday's it was sunny, Wednesday it was windy... The cycle continued. Not that there was anybody to count the days any more, the last ever living creature to walk through the these streets was a fox that had wandered away from home. The last human to ever walk these streets... Well that was decades ago. Kraven town was deserted, ever since 1987 when the bomb hit and killed everyone that inhabited the small town. The bomb, hit directly in the centre of town, destroying everything. Everything except one building, the old Asylum. The asylum was built way back in 1893, housing over 5,000 patients. Not that 5,000 people even lived in Kraven Town at that time. In 1979 the Asylum was shut down, due to patient misconduct but every few years teenagers would go and visit the Asylum. Daring each other to spend the night there, of course after the first disappearance in 1981 people began to believe that the asylum was in fact haunted. The trapped and desperate souls of the old, long forgotten patients taking their revenge on the ancestors of the doctors who trapped them there.

The last disappearance ever recorded was in fact the day before the bombing, it is still unknown as to who sent the bomb that killed over 2,000 people. When news spread of the bombing, scientist rushed to the centre of the town, dressed in full radioactive gear, to check whether the bomb was still a danger. But, when the team got there the bomb was in fact nowhere to be seen, the only evidence of where the bomb had hit was a 2 foot deep hole directly in the centre of town. After that day in 1987, nobody has ever set foot in Kraven Town. But, the air of mystery surrounding what had happened that day was about to be broken. The worlds greatest exploration team, was about to take their first steps into uncharted land. The first people to travel into Kraven Town since 1987.