Iced Over


It's crazy, love I mean. Have you ever let the word just linger in your mouth tasting it? To me, love is sweet and soft, probably like powdered sugar. Yes, if love was anything tangible I would say that's what it would be.

Truth be told, I'm not that big of a romantic... I'm just curious. I'll admit I've lost count how many books I've read about falling in love or how many times I've imagined the person I would eventually end up falling for. Who wouldn't wonder what the future may or may not hold for them?

I guess it was also my curiosity that lead me to Mayer's Lake. Hearing about a ghost sighting, I was excited. So, I went to see if I could see it. Day after day I went... Spring faded into fall, and like powdered sugar, snow coated everything during winter. Which is when I seen her. It was just a quick glance, and some say it was just my imagination.

She was real and I was in love. From the moment I saw her beneath the frozen lake... I knew. I knew nothing would ever compare to her fragile beauty and that I would have to see her again, somehow. So everyday I went.... I waited through the seasons. Day after day, leaving note after note.

Would you believe me if I said she replied?