Status: I am writing as fast as I can and i would very much appreciate your feedback!

Tell Me Where's My Hollywood Ending?

Chapter Fourteen

I sat down on the curb and tried to steady my breathing. I felt like I was on the verge of having another panic attack but I was determined never to have that happen to me again. I took deep breaths and rocked myself slowly back and forth. Until I heard a car door open, I opened my eyes. I saw Logan staring down at me.

“Are you alright?” He asked. I nodded. “What happened?”
“I broke up with my boyfriend..” I replied quietly. Logan shot me a look of confusion.
“You had a boyfriend?”

I nodded. Logan helped me up and opened my door to help me into the car. When he was driving he went a way opposite the Palm Woods. He stopped at the FroYo place he had taken me the last time we hung out, just us. We sat in the shop talking and laughing. After we were done and the place closed we just sat in his car for a bit. I smiled at him as he was driving us back to the Palm Woods.

“What?” he asked once he caught me. 
“Nothing,” I giggled. 
“No tell me,” he asked. I sighed. 
“Even though, due to the circumstances, I’d say to anyone that James is my only friend at the Palm Woods,” I started. “You’ll always be my real best friend... You know be better than anyone else here in Hollywood.”

“So we’re Secret Best Friends now?” he asked as he pulled into the Palm Woods parking lot. I nodded and laughed.
“Secret Best friends,” I laughed. I stuck out my pinkie finger to him and we pinkie promised, it was what we had done when we originally decided to be simply secret friends.

“You know... BTR is having a jam session in about twenty minutes down at the fire pit by the pool,” he told me. He invited me and Camille, but told me to say I was invited by James. I laughed and ran upstairs to my apartment, quickly changed out of my work clothes and then grabbed Camille to go down to the fire pit.

We sat by the warm fire and sang along and clapped along to the guy’s songs. During the love songs Logan always made eye contact with Camille. James and I stole a few glances from one another. I realized that I shouldn’t really be happy right after my, hopefully ex, boyfriend abused me. I zipped the hoodie that I was wearing up more hoping it would cover up my neck incase a bruise formed.

After a few songs people started to head off up to their apartments, one by one. Until it was just me, Logan, Camille, James, Carlos, Kendall, and another girl, who’s name I did not know. Logan and Camille talked and kissed and sat by the fire. Kendall talked to the mystery girl, who had tanned skin and charcoal coloured hair. She seemed to be of Native descent and looked beautiful.
I sat there staring into the embers of the fire in front of me, when James sat next to me and handed me a stick and an open bag of marshmallows. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

“We are gonna make S’mores,” he told me.

“I don’t even know what that is...” I said confused. James looked at me wide eyed.

He explained, as he poked a marshmallow on to my stick, that it was a roasted marshmallow, with chocolate between two gram crackers. He told me to put the stick over the fire so I could roast the marshmallow. While he set up his own stick and handed the bag off to Carlos, I stared at the fire again.

“Caitlyn!” Logan yelled snapping me out of my trance. I looked over at him. He pointed to my marshmallow that was on fire. I pulled the stick in to blow it out, but the flame was too big. James blew on it the same time I did and we managed to get it out.

“You can still try that if you want, some people like burnt Marshmallows,” James said. 
“I don’t really want to be here right now,” I said. James looked at me, he had a bit of sadness in his eyes. He said okay and offered to bring me up to my apartment. We walked up the stairwell and James stopped on a landing a flight away from my floor.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I nodded. “Are you sure? Because you seem distant, like the day you had that panic attack..”

“I’m fine,” I said.

He stepped a bit closer to me. I backed into the wall. I could feel my heart rate climbing with this Deja Vu, but James just carefully wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his chest. I felt safe.

“You would tell me if something was wrong right?” he asked. I nodded, even though that was a blatant lie. He walked me up to 4J, then we parted ways and I went to my room, falling right asleep.
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Caitlyn's Playlist
01 Your Guardian Angel Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
02 Alive Again Marianas Trench