Status: I am writing as fast as I can and i would very much appreciate your feedback!

Tell Me Where's My Hollywood Ending?

Chapter Twenty-Three

Vancouver?! Vancouver? I have finally just gotten my life settled in L.A and he wants me to move up North to Vanvouver?

I stared at him. Hoping, willing that maybe he would tell me he was joking, that Cam didn’t even get a role. I looked between the two for any sort of indication, but there was nothing. I thought a moment of what to say, but in the middle of thinking, dad spoke up again.
“We’re supposed to leave in a few weeks, filming starts next month,” he said. I shook my head at him. He looked at me confused.
“I’m not going to Vancouver,” I said. “I just made a life for myself here.”
“You’re the one who decided to live with us in the first place,” Camille said. “You’re just trying to ruin this for me like you do with every good thing that happens to me.”
“Oh get off it Camille,” I said. “You guys just missed me graduate with honors, and it’s not exactly like you guys have been family of the year since mom left dad, and even less since I came here.”

My dad tried to calm the two of us down. I was too mad about everything to calm down. I went and threw all my most important things, clothes, make up, hair accessories and threw them all into a suitcase along with my laptop. I wheeled it out into the dining room again.

“I’m not going with you guys to Vancouver, I’m 18, I’ll get my own apartment,” I said. I started to drag my bag to the door when I felt my dad grab my free wrist. I pulled away from him. “Don’t touch me! You don’t get the right to come after me when I am storming out of your life, okay? You and Cam have both basically treated me like crap since I got here. The only time you hung out with me was when she was gone to see mom. I’m done with this shit family.”

And with that I left 4J.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

I sat in 2J, at the breakfast bar. Mama Knight handed me a cup of tea as I had told her about the argument I had just been in with my dad. She told me I was welcome to stay here with her the boys and Katie until I could find an apartment of my own to live in. I thanked her and sipped my tea. I guess there was no way I could ignore the guys now. As a matter of fact while I sat there all four boys walked right into the apartment.

“Caitlyn!” James smiled. I gave a half-hearted waved and went back to my tea. He walked over and wrapped his arms around me while I put it down.
“What’s with the bags?” Kendall asked pointing at my suitcase. I looked at them. 
“Camille got a role in a movie that calls for us to all move to Vancouv-”
“You can’t leave!” Logan blurted. Everyone stared at him in awkward silence for a moment. I giggled.
“I stormed out...” I said. “I’m gonna move into my own place.”
“At the Palm Woods?” Carlos asked.

I shook my head and explained that you needed to be working in acting, singing, dancing or modeling to live here. I was not doing any of those things, but I’d be staying here until I found my own place. The boys were slightly happier than I thought about me temporarily moving in. I smiled and hugged James who still had his arms around me.

That night the boys and I sat on the couch watching a movie, between James and Logan. James had his arm around my shoulders and I was leaned against his chest. Through out the movie I could feel Logan look at me throughout the movie. As the hours dragged on Carlos and Kendall went off to bed. As the movie ended I heard James start to snore. I shook him awake.

“Hm.. I’m up..” he said jumping awake. I rolled my eyes and told him to go off to bed. He got up and walked off toward the boys’ room. The credits started to play for the movie and I looked at Logan. 
“You heading off to bed too or do you want to watch another movie?” I asked. Logan turned to look at me. 

“We kissed..” he said. I stood up and walked over to the movies starting to search. “Cait, we can’t ignore it.”

“How about we watch Nightmare on Elm Street?” I asked. I heard Logan walking over to me, I grabbed a few DVDs and held them up so he could see them. He gently pushed them down so he could see me.
“Look.. I understand if you don’t want to talk about it,” he said. “But we kissed, and we kind of need to talk.”

I gave him a blank stare, trying to think of what to say.

“Caitlyn, I like you..” he told me.
“You’re my sister’s boyfriend and I’m not that much of a bitch,” I told him. He moved closer, eliminating the space between us.
“I broke up with her two days ago,” he reminded me. “Because I have feelings for you... and I think you have feelings for me too.”

Without a moment for thought, I pulled Logan closer to me by his collar. I pressed my lips against his and kissed him, for the third time in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End.
Well for now. I might make a sequel. I'm not sure yet depends one what you guys want to hear.