One Million Branches

I hope you like the stars I stole for you.

When Vic and Mike took Finn to the baseball game, I drove home to take a shower and change into fresh clothes before heading to the hospital to see my mom. When I walked into the building, the disgusting smell reached me. I hated hospitals and their smell because, to me, they represented sick people and death. And, unfortunately, I had been forced to spend a lot of time in hospitals.

Mom was asleep when I walked into her room. She was breathing heavily but she looked calm. I sat down and just studied her face for a really long time. Eventually her eyes fluttered open and she turned her head to side to see me. She flashed a weak smile and sat up slowly and painfully.

”Hey, mom,” I said and tried to smile, even though seeing her like that didn't really make me want to smile at all.

”Hey, honey,” she said with her gruff voice.

”Are you okay?”

”Am I ever okay?” she smiled, ”I'm fine, darling, better than ever. I just wish they would let me have a smoke.”


”How's Finley?”

”He's worried like always,” I shrugged, ”But Vic and his brother are taking him to a baseball game today.”

”Really? Isn't your boyfriend wonderful,” she said and reached closer to touch my hand. I squeezed her tiny and bony hand gently.

”He is,” I agreed. I hadn't had the heart to tell her that Vic and I were no longer dating.

”I need to have a chat with him before I go,” she said and my face fell. I couldn't understand how she was able to just say things like ”before I go” or ”when I'm gone” so casually.

”I have to make sure he takes care of you so you can take care of Finley,” she finished. I nodded.

Mom and I chatted for another hour or two and while I did my best to focus on her, my mind kept going back to my conversation with Vic. He had promised to take care of Finn and I wanted to trust him, but I couldn't help but worry. I mean... My brother was only 16 and while you do all kinds of stupid things when you're young, he wasn't really like that. I mean, sure, he went out with his friends and all but after finding out that our mother wasn't okay, our lives had changed and all kind of partying had been left behind. And Finn wasn't used to alcohol and I was afraid of him getting hurt.

As soon as I was out of the hospital, I called my brother. I had to make sure he was alright. Much to my surprise and worry, he didn't pick up. I got into my car and started driving. I dialed Vic's number and it took him a while but he did answer anyway.

”Yeah, Lucy?” I knew he was drunk the minute I heard his voice.

”Where are you? Why isn't Finn answering his phone?” I asked, trying to remain calm. I'd thought that Vic had promised me not to drink at all that night.

”We're on our way to the new bar, what's its name again, anyway, yeah... Finn's right here,” he slurred into the phone.

”You said you wouldn't drink, Vic,” I muttered, ”Is Finn okay?”

”He's fine, babe, relax. Can I call you later or something?” he said into the phone but before I could answer his question, he had already ended the call. I sighed and put the phone away.

I decided to go to Vic and Mike's place and wait for them to come back from the bar. I thought it would be a good idea, but when the clock hit three in the morning and I was still awake and worrying, I realized it was an awful idea. I decided to change into something more comfortable and found one of Vic's shirts from his closet. Then I made myself comfortable in his bed and then...

My eyes shot wide open when somebody stumbled into the room and turned the lights on.

”When I saw your car outside, I knew I'd find you in my bed.” Vic was standing in the doorway, actually leaning against the door frame, and whispering to me with a stupid smirk on his face. I sat up and rubbed my eyes quickly.

”And before you ask, your brother is okay, though, he passed out on our way here and we put him in to Mike's bed,” he said and nodded like he was proud of himself for doing what he had promised and taking care of Finn.

”Thank you,” I mumbled, ”But I still want to talk to you in the morning.”

”I can hardly wait,” he murmured with a sexy wink as he stumbled closer to the bed.

He took off his hoodie and threw it on the floor before trying to get his jeans off. He had trouble with opening the buttons so he let out a dramatic groan and threw himself on his back on the bed. I reached closer to him and grabbed the waistband of his jeans. I started opening the buttons and when I succeeded, I pushed his jeans down to his knees. And suddenly the whole moment was very sexual.

I swallowed hard and started biting my lip. I was still holding on to his bare thighs and felt his eyes on me. I turned my head to look at him and saw the look on his face. It was full of love and lust and suddenly it didn't matter that he was drunk or that I was mad at him anymore. He wanted me and I wanted him.

”Lucy...” Vic sat up slowly and pulled me into his arms.

He held me tightly in his strong arms as his lips searched for the bare skin on my neck. He started kissing my neck while I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my fingers into his hair. His lips found their way up my neck and soon I felt him kiss the corner of my mouth. His mouth moved against mine and his lips felt softer than ever and I let out a quiet moan. His lips tasted like beer and liquor but if anything, it only turned me on more and I held him more tightly.

His hands moved down my body and started to pull my panties down. He laid me on my back on the bed and pulled them off my legs before climbing on top of me again.

”Do you have condoms?” I whispered against his mouth. He pulled his head back and looked into my eyes for a moment.

”Fuck,” he then muttered and rolled off me. He let out a sigh before sitting up.

”Mike probably has some,” he said and then got up from the bed.

”Don't go, nevermind,” I said quickly, ”The moment's already gone.”

”Really? Is it?” he grabbed a handful of himself down there to prove that not the whole moment was gone and he was, indeed, still ready to go.

”Fine, okay, but be quick,” I whispered. He practically ran out of the room and I quickly took off my shirt, got ready and laid down.

Vic came back, empty handed, a few minutes later.

”Couldn't find any,” he muttered, sounding extremely frustrated, ”This is bullshit.”

”Hey, maybe next time,” I mumbled and sat up. I grabbed the shirt I had just taken off and pulled it back on again. I found my panties from the other side of the bed and pulled them on before pulling the blanket over my body again and getting more comfortable.

Vic left the room, disappearing into his bathroom. A moment later I could hear him turning the shower on and then he started singing, like he always did in the shower. I closed my eyes but suddenly felt restless and just couldn't lay still and do absolutely nothing. So I got up and pulled on my pants before walking out of Vic's room.

The first thing I saw was Mike – he was dead asleep on the couch in the livingroom. The couch was too small for him and his legs hung down from it and it just didn't look comfortable. But, the guys being absolute sweethearts, made sure that Finn could sleep comfortably in Mike's bed while he took the not-so-comfortable couch in the livingroom.

I walked closer to the couch and grabbed a blanket from the other couch. I covered most of Mike with it and pulled off his shoes before turning off all of the lights in the room. Then I walked carefully into Mike's room and saw my brother sleeping on the big bed. He looked so peaceful and innocent that I just had to stare at him for a moment.

When I left the room and got back to Vic's room, I saw him laying over the bed in nothing but a white towel around his waist. He laid on his back with his hair all over his face and his hands resting on his bare stomach, snoring quietly. I smiled at the sight and giggled a bit before walking to the bed. I laid down next to him, grabbing one of his hands and squeezing it gently. I brushed his hair away from his face with my hand and reached closer to kiss his bare shoulder.

Then I closed my eyes and thought of my three boys – my favourite boys in the whole wide world – who I loved in such different ways and if they ever were to disappear from my life, my life would most definitely not be the same any longer.