What I'd Never Tell Him

Chapter Thirteen

Cam sighed, his mood doing a full 180 over the next few days. The blissful, childish happiness he had been feeling had drastically faded, as he continued throughout the next days. His cockiness was at a full time high (a result that acted when he acted out) and he embraced it. He missed his comfort zone, except some things still stayed out of the ordinary.

It started about three days after Oli had left. Everything was going on as normal. Cam was hustling in some suit for some job, the tea was whistling, but the doorbell broke the routine.

Hobbling over to the door, he threw upon the door. His face immediately went into a scowl as he recognized the face before him. Matt Nicholls, from Oli’s band, was standing in his doorway. Immediately, Cam took a protective stands, his arms crossed and his legs sturdy.

“What do you want? It’s Matt, right?” Cam sneered at him, suddenly conscious of his unmade tie and messy hair. What if Oli was around, considering Matt was his friend? He could be right here. He quickly scolded himself for thinking these thoughts.

“Listen, Gigandet, we need to talk.” Matt stated bluntly, as Cam’s mind raced for reasons of him being here, before his eyes suddenly widened.

“Is Oli okay?” Cam stated, his cheeks reddening as he realized how urgent his voice sounded, as he cleared his throat, correcting himself.

“Yeh, of course he’s okay! But, I need to talk to you about how you’ve been treating him as a friend lately.” Matt began to speak, as Cam rolled his eyes.

“Tell him to come back when he’s ready to talk like a big kid.” Cam stated, shutting the door in Matt’s face.

That’s how it all began. Every day or so Matt would show up, with a crooked-tied and messy-haired Cam answering. Each and every day, he would open the door, say the same line, and close the door once again. It became almost a routine in Cam’s very repetitive life.

Each day he’d: wake up, get ready, see Matt, close the door on Matt, go to his job, stop at a coffee shop, and go home. It was what made him comfortable so it’s what he continued doing.

It took two weeks for it to change.

One day, while heading out the door, his phone beeped obnoxiously. He checked it, reading the text. His friend, Meagan Good, wanted to catch up for lunch. He smiled. He hadn’t seen her since they both stared in the movie, The Unborn.

He replied and headed out to work, glancing at the clock through out the day, looking forward to it. He missed Meagan and could tell her anything.

Eventually, it was time and he immediately headed to their old favorite café. He spotted her immediately, pulling her into a hug.

“You look amazing, Meagan! I haven’t seen you in forever.” Cam smiled at her, as Meagan stared at him for a moment.

“What’s up with the fake peppiness today, Cam?” Meagan questioned, as Cam smirked. That’s Meagan for you, she could always see right through you.

“Why don’t we get a seat before we start getting into my life story?” Cam offered, with a smug look on his face. He led Meagan down the walk way towards the outdoor tables.

As they took a seat, Meagan stared at him with expecting eyes. Cam smiled innocently and leaned forward, his eyes smothering her. “I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about.” Cam insisted, as Meagan clicked her tongue at him.

“I know you too well for you to try and charm the ignorance right out of me. Face it, we’re the same stubborn person.” Meagan grinned, with a shrug.

Cam shook his head. “You’re insisting on a topic that doesn’t exist, Meg. Go play therapist to someone new.” Cam teased, a challenging gleam in his eye.

Meagan held her hands up in a surrendering stance as she sighed. “Fine, Cam, be like this. But my advice is, stop being a chicken about it and go for whatever it.” Meagan continued, but Cam’s mind was elsewhere.

Across the tables, he could see Oli getting close up with Matt. Is that what Matt was trying to tell him? That Oli moved on?

“Hello? Earth to Cam?” Meagan sang, shaking her hand in front of his face. Cam shook his head, standing up abruptly.

“You’ll have to excuse me, Meagan, there’s something I have to do.” Cam stated, his face red and his blood on fire as he drifted across the street to the park. Just as he made it across the street, Matt departed as cameras began swarming around Oli.

Cam stopped for a moment, staying at a distance as he watched this unfold. The reported do what they’re known best for and began picking at him like birds, asking absurd questions. The questions slowly turned to being about Cam, as witnesses had seen them together.

Oli stammered for answers as Cam quickly swooped in. “Excuse me, if questions concern me, I can gladly answer them, but as for Oli, I think you need to give him some space. Now is not a good time, thank you very much.” Cam stated, tossing an arm around Oli and ushered him out.

The reporters whispered in hushed voices as one stepped forward, clearing his throat. It was the scrawny boy from Channel 4 with the lop-sided glasses. “Sources say you two are gay.” He stated, his voice shaky, as Cam turned around, staring down the camera.

“And if we were, how would that even begin to concern you.” Cam sneered, as he ushered Oli out of the way of the men, and back towards his car, where he had a lot of explaining to do.