Status: Part I and II- Complete!

All That I've Got

Chapter 5- can't sleep at night

He was driving the Jeep. The road was black, and the air slunk in the open windows like tar. Fear pounded in ever inch of Frank’s body, and his hands gripped the steering wheel so hard that there was no blood in his fingers. Something was after him, and as he hurtled down the narrowing road, they were catching up.

Suddenly, someone put their hand on Frank’s knee. Calm eased in through his veins, and Frank glanced over thankfully. But for some reason he couldn’t see the face of the person that the hand belonged to.

He needed to. He had to see, but the person was inky, and mixing with the shadows- long hair swooping to hide their face.

A flash of pale skin, then Frank’s car was out of control; dark eyes, and the hand was off his knee. Another second and the bones of Frank’s knuckled burst through the skin of his fingers, blood seeping and someone was crying. Then the car hit something and the world went black.
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Thank you so much to KiljoyAndProudOfIt for teaching me how to italicize!