A Player With a Game


Eight months had passed since the passing of my uncle. Even though his death wasn't unexpected, it still hurt and I still wasn't ready. He had been ill for a good four years and people were shocked that he had pulled through that long. But in my heart, he should have lasted another five decades. At least until I died. He had always been like a father to me and suddenly, I was forced to live in a big, cold house by myself, something I was never used to. I was always very dependent of him.

I pushed myself away from the kitchen table and placed my plate in the dish washer, turning it on to clean the small pile of dishes I had accumulated. I washed my hands and walked into the silent living room that was surrounded by white walls, hearing my every step. I had been trying my hardest to block the noises I made with other noises, just so I wouldn't feel as if anything that happened in this house was because of my actions. But I didn't seem to be able to shake the feeling that I'd be alone for much longer.

I decided that I should go for a walk, running upstairs and grabbing my jean jacket. I held my keys and ran down the steep steps, heading out the door and locking it. The cold wind hit my bare face, causing me to feel tingling on my cheeks. It had been a long time since I had worn makeup. And since not many people knew me, I was fine with going outside without it. I had moved into that house with my uncle about two years prior.

His health made him have to upgrade his lifestyle, and that he did in a big way. The mansion he lived in was no hospital. And the fact that he could have nurses come into his own home and care for him was a lot less stressing for the both of us. But in his final days he did stay at a hospital, which in all honesty was of good convenience since I wouldn't have stepped foot in that house had he passed in it.

I walked down a street I had often times drove passed, but never walked on. I looked at the soft concrete that was spread evenly over the ground, taking my first steps over it. Living in a high end neighborhood could sometimes be good. More security, friendly neighbors, a lot quieter. And even if I didn't know many of the neighbors, my uncle was pretty famous around those parts.

"Hey, you don't wanna continue without these," a soft, yet deep voice from behind me let out. I continued walking, thinking that it wasn't directed to me, "Excuse me!" he said, this time in a louder tone. I turned around and was faced with the lightest shade of green eyes I had ever seen. His stare was deep, as if he was looking right into your soul. I tried to speak, but nothing but air came from my mouth.

"These." he smiled, dangling the keys before my face. I attempted taking the keys from his hand, but he seemed to hold a tight grip on them.

"A-aren't you gonna let go?" I asked in a silent voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just have never seen you around here before. Are you new to this neighborhood?" he asked, finally letting go of the keys.

"No, ugh, I've actually lived here for almost two years now."

"What? That's crazy," he smiled, "On this very street?"

"Just down that way," I pointed toward the big white house that was surrounded by trees and flowers, only one house down from his.

"Oh, your uncle passed away a few months ago, right? Damen, I think that was his name. Great guy. Sorry for your lose."

"Um, thanks."

"Well, I'll let you continue on your way. I'm Matt, by the way. I live right here in this green house. Don't forget it, if you ever need anything."

"I won't forget it, matches your eyes."

He smiled, "Yeah, I guess so. See you around."


"Hey, I didn't get your name!" he called out.

"Arabella." I said.

I turned around, trying my hardest not to look back to check out the rest of him. I giggled at my thoughts and continued on my way.