Status: I'm quite horrible at please let me know if you'd like one.

Where the Wind Blows

Chapter 2

Cuddled into a ball to try to salvage some heat in the London chill, Alice blinked groggily as the morning sun shone through her window. It was actually sometime around noon, and she had class in a few hours. Stretching her arms above her head, she remembered the stranger that she met at the bar last night. He wasn’t really a stranger, she recalled, but she hoped he would keep his word and come back to see her.

Tossing her legs over the side of her bed, Alice readied herself for another day. She surveyed her room; always somewhere between organized and chaotic, it only made sense to her. Once she got the job at the bar, Stephan offered the spare apartment above his business and she moved in immediately. Her grandmother hadn’t minded as long as she called occasionally.

Alice stood up and headed to start her daily routine. She normally showered at night after working, so in the mornings all she did was get dressed and leave. Dressing for the chill, she composed an outfit of a red skirt, black tights, and a favorite oversized cream sweater. She zipped up her Steve Madden combat boots and checked her bag to make sure she had everything. Laptop, notebook, pens and a few books and she was ready to head out. Grabbing her pea coat, she walked down the hallway from her bedroom, passed the kitchen and out the door.

Locking it behind her, Alice headed down the back stairs that took her to side door of the bar. Stepping out into the fall air, she wished she had thought to wear a scarf. Heading to Starbucks for a quick breakfast, she allowed herself to think about Harry. She barely knew him, but she knew she liked him. He was a famous pop star for goodness sakes! But at the same time she decided that she wanted to know him as someone other than that. He was kind, funny, and flirty. And not to mention incredibly good looking.

Looking around her as she walked her favorite city, she suddenly noticed posters and ads for One Direction. It was like now that she remembered that she loved them, they were everywhere. It seemed kind of funny that the boys had to walk around seeing their face everywhere.

Getting her favorite Caramel Apple Spice and some banana bread from Starbucks, Alice headed off to another afternoon of classes. Somehow she knew that she wouldn’t be that focused due to a mop of curly hair that would not get out of her head.
Predictably, it was as cold and even colder out when Alice got out of class. She had learned about something or other and took notes about it and she would study it later, but now she had to go home and get ready for work. Breathing in her favorite season, she kicked her way through some leaves and began her walk back to the bar.

She put her headphones in and swayed to her tune of the day. Her music taste was like her, all over the place. Her tunes reflected her moods and she had a playlist for every kind of day. Vampire Weekend’s Walcott pumped through her ear buds as she felt her phone buzz.

Looks like rain soon. Hurry back! - Stephen

He was always looking out for her. But shit, it was going to rain. Alice looked up at the sky just in time for a raindrop to land on her forehead. She only had 2 blocks to go but she hadn’t brought her umbrella with her that morning and it looked like a bad storm. Picking up her pace, she headed to the only close place she could think of for her salvation, her favorite bookstore, Le Livre.

She ducked inside just after the downpour began. Soaking wet, she sighed. Good thing she invested in that waterproof bag. But her hair and clothes, not so much.

“Really? Today of all days you forget your umbrella?” laughed a voice behind her. She turned around and surveyed the familiar shop. It was crowded and messy, with high ceilings that accommodated a loft with chairs and tables. The downstairs was all bookshelves, some organized but most not. It was her favorite place to be besides the bar.

The source of the voice was none other than Alice’s best friend and owner of the bookshop, Charlotte Platt. A natural born English gal, she had finished school and opened her own bookshop with the enormous fortune that her parents possessed. Not that you ever knew she was filthy rich by looking at her, of course.

“Don’t tease me you bitch.” scowled Alice, her wet hair starting to frizz up.

“Woah! Harsh words form such a pretty girl! Give me a hug you plonker.” Charlotte laughed. She embraced Alice but quickly scampered away when wet hair was shaken everywhere.

“Hey! Watch the books! And you’ve gotten water all over my jumper!”

“Sorry books.” laughed Alice. Charlotte scowled, but her eyes were dancing with mirth.

“I know your shift starts soon but let me grab you a cuppa and let’s chat. Then you can borrow my umbrella and head out.” she said as she walked towards the loft stairs.

“Sounds perfect Lottie, thank you so much. I’m actually freezing!” Alice followed her up the stairs. She sat at her favorite table as Charlotte filled the serve-yourself teakettle. Watching her make the tea, Alice thought about how she’d lucked out with a friend like Lottie.

It had been really soon after she started working at the bar. Stephan had told her to walk around the block and find the local shops and such. Alice loved to read; she could read all day every day if possible. Along with that, she loved writing. Le Livre was perfect for her. The second she had walked in she fell in love with the old book smell and the cozy atmosphere. That first time in, she had gone to the check out desk and asked Charlotte if she had any new books in. Right away, she was greeted with a smile and a, “Course love! In fact, do you want to help me unpack some? I’ll give you a few for free!” Immediately Alice agreed and they worked and talked all afternoon, their friendship beginning right away.

Even since then, Alice returned almost daily to the shop to say hello, maybe trade in a book or two for something new, or sit in the quite loft and drink tea while working on whatever she was writing.

“Here you are, love. Two sugars, just as you like it.” Alice was snapped out of her memories by the smell of her favorite PGTips tea.

“Thanks Lottie.” Alice took a long inhale and a few sips and felt herself warm up straight away. Charlotte looked at her and asked, “Has Alden come in lately?” Alice tensed and put down her cup.

“No, it’s been a few weeks. I’m glad to be rid of him.” Alden was somewhat of a regular at the bar and he had taken to Alice quite intensely. He scared her quite a lot, actually. He was a tall, built man of about 25 and his attention made her uncomfortable. He flirted with her shamelessly and tried to get her to return his affections every time he came in. It was rude and she nor Stephen appreciated it. When he was drunk, she was honestly afraid for herself. It was not a good situation.

“Well ever since last time when Stephen kicked him out I’d think he’d stay away for good.” Charlotte looked at Alice over the rim of her mug.

“So I would hope, but I feel like he’s still around. I don’t like it, Lottie.”

“Well I suppose you need to find yourself a man to protect you. And a little snogging would do you good.” she winked. Alice blushed and stood up.

“I’ve really got to go, I start work in an hour. “ She gulped down the still hot tea, burning her throat a little.

“Alright darling, but drop in soon, alright? And be careful, please.” Charlotte stood and hugged Alice. They walked down the stairs and Alice grabbed the umbrella sitting on the counter and shouldered her bag.

“Thanks again, Lottie. I’ll be in after class tomorrow.” She waved goodbye and was out the door. Opening her umbrella, she started on the remaining blocks back to the bar. She looked around her, feeling uneasy about something. That always happened when she though about Alden. He was just creepy.

After what seemed like forever, she spotted the familiar bar awning through the rain and she slipped inside. Stephan was cleaning the counter.

“There you are! Looks like you didn’t beat the rain.” he sighed, taking in her still wet clothing. “Go upstairs and shower. I’ll cover the beginning of your shift if you need it.” Alice passed him by, kissing him on the cheek. “Thanks Stephan. You’re the best.” He shrugged, “I know.”

She went down the hall and up the back stairs to her apartment. She noticed some letters on her doorstep. Mail, she thought. The occasional letters she got Stephan always laid out for her. Grabbing them and unlocking her door, she went inside. Laying her things on the kitchen counter, she opened the first letter. It had no address, just her name on it. It read:

Hey babe.
Haven’t been in for a while, sorry about that. I’ve missed you!
I might drop by tonight, if I’ve got time. Sorry about our misunderstanding last night I was in; I’ll make it up to you.

She crumpled up the letter and threw it at the wall. Dammit! she thought. This had happened before. He liked to send her letters and it was damn stalker-ish. She didn’t tell anyone because she didn’t think he was a serious problem, he just creeped her out.

Trying not to worry, she went to the bathroom and got read to shower. Stripping out of her wet clothes, she thought, maybe I’ll see Harry tonight. Hopeful and already forgetting Alden, she hopped in the shower. 15 minutes later, she was warm and clean and putting on her work outfit. Black shirt, black pants. She threw her hair up like every night and checked the clock. 4:45 pm. Perfect! She went out and locked her apartment again, and ran down the stairs. Grabbing her apron from the hook, she prepared for another long night as customers started to come into the bar. Hopefully Alden wouldn’t show and Harry would, she thought as she began to take drink orders.
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No Harry this chapter-next chapter I promise!...but what do you think of Alden? Creepy right? Maybe I'll give you a double update tonight....:)