Status: I'm quite horrible at please let me know if you'd like one.

Where the Wind Blows

Chapter 3

3:30 am saw Alice was rushing about the bar, making and taking drinks and chatting up the regular customers. Per usual, she had already gotten a large sum of tips and a few numbers that she would be throwing in the bin later. She had just gotten off her break, and was working along side one of her fellow bartenders, Becca. They had the same shift and were somewhat friends. Becca was 22 and in the same position as Alice, only she was trying to pay off her school loans.

Although their shifts were very long, they only worked about 6 hours total. With three of them, a guy called Clarke being the third, they could swap whenever they needed to. And there were plenty of lulls in activity and customers that allowed for food and cap naps.

“I think I’m gonna head off in an hour or so. You still good with the morning hours?” said Becca. Alice finished pouring the beer she had in her hand and gave it to some guy at the counter.

“That’s fine. I think Clarke left to sleep a few hours ago.” Becca yawned and thanked her.

“Do you want me to call him?” she asked. Alice shook her head, “Nah you both need some sleep. I don’t have class until tomorrow evening anyway.”

The two girls finished up the last few customers at the bar. Only one or two were left when Becca waved goodnight and disappeared to the back room where they all kept their belongings while working, and also that housed couches, and a fridge for them. Alice sighed and began to wipe down the counter. Just then she heard the small bell that told her that the door was opening and she had a customer. Turning around to throw the rag in the sink, she said, “What can I ge-“ only to be interrupted by a voice she wished she was imagining.

“Hey babe. How are you? You look amazing.” grumbled the unsettling voice of Alden. Alice shivered at his tone and said, without turning, “I though Stephen told you to stay out of here, Alden.” She heard his gravelly chuckle behind her.

“You know I’d come back for you, babe. I can’t stay away! And I know you’ve been missing me.” Her hands gripped the edge of the counter and her knuckles turned white. Quietly, she said, “I think you should leave. I don’t want any trouble.” She heard his heavy footsteps and she knew he was leaning on the bar counter, trying to get closer to her.

“Don’t be like that, Alice.” She hated the way he said her name, like he owned her. “Besides, they’re no one here to see us.” That scared her. She thought about where her phone was so she could call someone, anyone. But she remembered it was in the back room…and to get to it she would have to pass Alden.

She turned around to face him and she had been right, he was leaning over the counter, hungrily surveying her body with his eyes. It made her feel dirty. She slowly walked out from behind the counter with a rag in her hand, pretending to go clean tables. His eyes followed her and she felt them burning into her back.

“Just…stay here Alden. I’ll be right back.” She hurried to the back room. He called after her, “Don’t be too long babe!” She felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck; when he called her babe her blood ran cold. Searching for her phone she spotted it underneath some papers on the table. Grabbing it she thought of whom to call to come and save her. Stephan was out for the night on a date and she really didn’t want to have Becca or Clarke come back in, but Alden was worrying her.

“What are you doing?” growled Alden. She whipped around; of course he had followed her! She should have known better. But all she was thinking about was how she was trapped in the room with him and he was standing in front of the only exit.

“Were you going to call Stephen to get rid of me again? Don’t be like that baby.” He began to walk towards her and she scurried backwards until she hit the wall. She wasn’t going to lie to herself; she was terrified. He could do anything he wanted to her and they both knew it.

“Let’s say you make it up to me for escaping so many times. Last time I’ll admit, I went too far. But I’ll be gentler this time, I promise.” She was trying to escape but he had his arms pinned on either side of her. Just when she thought she was going to pass out from fear, she heard the door open and the bell sound. Even better, relief flooded through her when she heard a friendly voice.

“Alice? Alice are you here? I’m sorry I’m so late!” It was Harry. Thank the Lord. Before Alden could register the new development, she screamed, “Harry! In here please!” She thought her voice sounded panicked and apparently Harry did too because he all but ran to the back room and froze when he saw Alden all over her.

Alden withdrew his arms slowly from the wall and turned to face Harry. Alice darted around the now red-faced man to stand behind her savior. Harry wrapped his arm around Alice and said in a voice that shook with rage, “I don’t know who the hell you are but I suggest you get out of here right now.” Though Alden was larger than Harry in stature, he seemed intimidated. Straightening up, he said, “I was leaving anyway.” He brushed Harry’s shoulder on his way out and said to Alice, “See you later babe.”

Harry’s arm drew Alice closer to him and his eyes followed Alden until he was out the door. As it slammed, Alice let out a sigh of relief and reached up to engulf Harry in a thankful hug.

“Thank you so much, Harry. I really don’t want to know where that was headed.” He smiled down at her as she released him. His eyes were worried as he said, “I think you should tell me what that was about.” She nodded and they walked back to the bar area. He sat at the same stool as the night before and she prepared them some waters.

Looking him in the eye, she said, “That’s Alden Buckley. He’s been after me ever since I started here. He used to come in every night and flirt and be obnoxious, but recently it’s gotten really bad.” Harry looked invested in what she was saying, so she continued.

“He sends me letters and pretends that we’re together or something. But we’re not! He’s just super creepy.” Harry looked at her intensely but it didn’t make her afraid like Alden did.

“Has he ever hurt you?” Harry asked. Alice sighed again, saying, “Last month. It was like tonight, just him and I in the bar. He kissed me and I tried to get away but he was grabbing my arms. He left bruises.” Harry looked away from her, furious. How could someone do that to a girl? Even though he didn’t really know Alice, it made him mad.

“If he ever bothers you please give me a call. I’ll do whatever I can. “ He grabbed her phone from the counter and entered his number. Handing it back to her, he smiled. He took a sip of his water and she sent him a quick text.

Thanks. – Alice

His phone buzzed and he chuckled, saving her number. His laugh was different, warmer than Alden’s. Putting down his water glass, he said, “Anytime. Really. Call me whenever you need anything. Even just a chat!” He winked at her and she laughed.

“Thanks Harry. I’ll make sure to do so.” They sat in silence until she said, “How was your day?” He looked happy that she asked and cleared his throat, “ Busy! That’s why I came by so late. We had a radio interview this morning and a photo-shoot this afternoon. I slept for about 4 hours when I got back to the flat.”

Alice was amazed, but she didn’t know what she expected to hear. The boys really were busy all the time. She hoped that didn’t mean she and Harry couldn’t be friends.

“That sounds like quite a bit! I just went to class, got caught in the rain, and went to the bookshop. And now we’re here!” He laughed at her, “Did you really? So did I! I was soaked and there were still some girls after me.”

“Do you mind it? The fans?” she asked, curious. After all, she had been a crazed fan girl at the end of high school. He gave a small smile, “Not really. We really do love them all and they’ve done so much for us. I try not to complain about the constant attention, and I really do love seeing them and hearing from them.”

“You know, I was a huge One Direction fan my junior year of high school.”

“Really?” he said.

“Yeah! My best friend and I were for sure crazy about you guys. We went to a few concerts, had posters, and listened to your music all the time!” Harry laughed and then with a smirk said, “Are you still crazy about us?” Alice pretended to think about it. Shrugging with a smile, she said, “Ehh…I guess you’re alright.” They both laughed when Harry feigned a look of offence, his eyes twinkling.

Alice yawned and looked at the clock. It was already 5:30 am and she was ready to close up and head to bed. Harry looked at her curiously and said, “Maybe we could meet up at a place where you’re not working and it’s not a ridiculous hour. Want to get some coffee tomorrow?” Alice looked surprised.

“Does this make us friends? Because that sounds really nice.” He smiled at her surprise and blunt reply.

“I’d say it does make us friends. How about you give me ring when you get up tomorrow and we’ll meet around here?” he suggested.

“Sounds perfect.” She yawned again. “If it’s alright with you, I think I’ll be off to bed now.” She stepped around the counter to give him a hug. “Thank you again for saving me from Alden.” she whispered into his shoulder.

“Whenever you need something, just ask.” He let her go and waved a goodbye. “See you tomorrow, Alice.”

“Bye Harry.” He closed the door behind him and Alice smiled, glad they wee officially friends. It seemed a bit surreal how nice and genuine he was. She locked up the bar and turned off the lights and headed upstairs. She hung her apron on the hook and went into her flat. Getting ready for her shower, she thought about Alden. Hopefully he’d stay away after Harry scared him like that. She’d tell Stephan in the morning.

After her shower, she pulled on her flannel pants and long sleeve shirt and got into bed. Before she could turn the light off, her phone buzzed.

Goodnight Alice. Don’t forget to text me tomorrow morning-Harry xx

She smiled and fell asleep dreaming of a knight in shining armor.
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Yay Harry! Alden is a douche...don't worry. There will be Harry/Alice romance later! I'm trying to make it realistic :) hope you like it and tell me so in a comment!