Status: I'm quite horrible at please let me know if you'd like one.

Where the Wind Blows

Chapter 4

Morning came sooner than Alice would have liked. Stretching in bed, she vainly tried to capture the last wisps of her dream as is floated away. Then she remembered that she was meant to call Harry. Reaching over to her phone, she found his name, took a deep breath, and called.

A husky, throaty voice greeted her on the other line, “Hello?”

“Morning Harry. I hope I didn’t wake you up!”

“Don’t worry. I was just staring at the ceiling actually.” he chuckled. She laughed and said, “Well I’m planning on heading down my street to a bookshop called Le Livre if you’d like to meet me. I can pick you up something from Starbucks along the way if you like!”

“That sounds perfect. I’ll meet you there in about an hour, is that all right? And please don’t get me anything, I’ll grab breakfast for us.”

“Whatever you say!” she laughed. They said goodbye and Alice got up from bed to shower just because she was cold. Singing to herself, “Booking myself a one way flight…gotta see the color in your eyes…” Hunter Hayes was a definite cutie in her book. She got out of the shower and paraded around her bedroom singing and shaking her hair out. Giving it a quick blow dry, she braided it down the side.

Tonight she had an exam and maybe Harry could help her with some last minute studying. Fumbling through her closet, she decided on her jean shirt with maroon skinnies and her favorite brown boots. Wrapping her cream knit forever scarf around her neck, she grabbed her things for class and checked the time.

“Shit!” she muttered. She was going to be late. Hopefully Harry got lost or something so that she wouldn’t seem flakey. Grabbing her phone she rushed out the door and down the stairs to the open street. Breathing the cool fall air, she started to speed walk to the bookshop.

Out of breath and a little sweaty, she rushed in the door. Charlotte was lounging at the front desk reading a book. She looked up and said with a smirk, “They’re a certain singing sensation waiting upstairs for you with Starbucks. He’s fitter in person Alice!” Alice sighed when she heard a deep laughter from the loft.

“Dammit. Sorry Harry!” she called up as she trekked up the stairs. The sight that greeted her was one that warmed her heart. Harry had pushed two tables together and was sitting at one with two hot drinks, two scones, and two bananas.

“Charlotte told me you had a test tonight so I though I’d make some room for your books or whatever you use at school.” He flashed a smile and she sat down across from him.
“Thanks Harry. You’re too kind. What kind of drink is this?” Alice liked everything from Starbucks but wondered what he got her.

“Well I don’t know what you like but it’s my favorite on the occasional nice fall day. It’s a Caramel Apple Spice. And I hope you like scones and bananas! I just picked up what I saw first.” Alice smiled at him and said, “These are all actually my favorites! This is going to be a beautiful friendship if you keep guessing the things that I like!”

“I’m generally good at guessing things, though I can’t promise I’ll always be right. My girlfriend likes to remind me of that.” He had a far off look in his eyes. Of course she knew that he had a girlfriend; she was a photographer and was away almost as often as he was. Alice knew her name was Presley Iden and she was damn flawless.

Harry looked at her as she sipped her drink and said, “I’ll put on a pot of tea for when we’re finished with these.” He stood quickly and Alice assumed that he and Presely were in a bad spot. Knowing he’d tell her once they were closer, she didn’t plan on asking him about it. But she was slightly angry and jealous that such a lucky girl was hurting Harry in some way.

While he prepared the pot, Alice looked Harry up and down. He was fit, Charlotte was right. Tattered brown boots, skinny jeans, and a plaid shirt rolled up to the elbows. His army green jacked rested on the back of his chair. She quickly lowered her gaze to her schoolbook when he turned around, feeling guilty that she was admiring taken goods. But then again, she was only one of millions of girls doing the same thing.

“What are we studying?” he asked her as he sat down again.

“Economics…”she groaned. He groaned with her, saying, “I hate math. And math hates me. But I’ll try to help you!” She smiled at him and passed her flash cards across the table.

The duo studied all day, only stopping to fill their teacups and take the occasional conversational break. He told her about his recent desire to buy a parrot and she gushed about her desire to become a writer. Harry was an immense help to Alice, as she loved to study with people. He was enthusiastic and encouraged her even when she got the answers wrong.

“Shit Alice you’re brilliant!” Alice blushed at his compliment and snatched the flash card out of his hand.

“It’s getting late Harry. I don’t want to keep you here and though I don’t want to, I have to go to class soon.” He rubbed his eyes.
“Yeah I’m knackered. I forgot how hard school actually is!” he began to clean up the tables and put them back in their original positions.

“But I know that I’ll pass that exam thanks to you!” she smiled at him.

“You better!” he threatened her with his finger. They both laughed and Alice gathered her stuff up. When she was ready to go, she said, “I’ll be off to class then. Thanks a million Harry, this was really good for me.”

“I enjoyed it! You’ll have to tell me your results so I know our afternoon was productive.”

“Absolutely. We should do this again, if you don’t mind.” Alice was hoping she wasn’t being too eager. I mean, he did have a girlfriend.

“I think it should be a regular thing when we both have time. If you’re ok with that.” He put on his jacket and they walked down the stairs together.

“Text me whenever you’re free.” Alice smiled at him. At the bookshop door, he said, “Do you want me to walk you to class?” She shook her head, “ No that’s alright. I think you need to go have a nap.” she said as he yawned.

“I suppose you know best. You are brilliant after all…” She smacked his shoulder.

“Stop saying that! If I ace this test you can say it all you want.” He laughed and pulled her into a hug.

“Good luck, Alice. I’ll see you later.” She was released from his embrace and he opened the door for her. She looked at him standing there and waved as she began walking in the opposite direction. Goddammit she was going to pass this exam.
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Ohhh a girlfriend.... I'm still getting over Harry twerking at the TCA last night. ohhhhh ahhhh