

It was dark, but she knew she was in a cell. Hell, she'd been here ever since she could remember. Riley wasn't sure when that was exactly, but she knew that she was a normal human then. Now, she was a U-Sol. She was an experiment at least that's what she thought. She wasn't exactly sure when she came into existence, but she knew that after all the experiments the white coats did on her, she was far from being that person again.

Riley rested her forehead on her knees. The cell wasn't cold. It wasn't hot. It was comfortable. She was glad to be in here because being outside this cell meant hell. It meant torture. It meant countless shots and tests being run on her. After all the experiments that she'd gone through, she picked up information from the white coats talking. These people wanted to make the ultimate soldiers. They captured people, erased them of their memories, and conducted experiments on them to turn them into weapons.

From time to time she would see a small boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked to be about six years old. She knew they did experiments on him too; she could hear his screams, each time etching themselves into her brain. She shuddered and hugged her knees closer to her chest.

An explosion shook the floor and Riley looked up at the metal door to her cell. She wondered what had happened, but she knew deep down what it really was. She always tried to block out these moments. That could happen to her and it scared her. Some experiments didn't go as planned. Some killed the specimen and some mutated them making them into A-Sols, or mutated ultimate soldiers, abominations. Riley's breathing increased when she heard the screams. She quickly placed her hands over her ears and tried to block out the noise.

The sound of screeching metal forced her to scream out of shock. Light touched her closed eyelids and she opened them to see a huge, blue man holding the metal door in his grip. He had ripped the door off. "Go! Run! You're free!" he yelled and moved onto the next door.

Riley shakily stood up and slowly walked to the door of her cell. She looked out into the facility that she was so afraid of and saw many U-Sols and A-Sols running for their freedom.
"Help me!" screamed a small voice.

Riley looked towards the scream and saw the blonde haired boy. She bit her lip in worry. She didn't know what to do. Everything was too much and too chaotic. It all hit her at once. All the voices, the screams...

"Help me!" he cried tears streaming down his face.

Riley shook her head trying to get rid of the headache that came along with reading people's minds. She ran over to him and picked him up. "We have to get out of here," she said sounding so calm that it scared her.

"I want my mommy," he cried and she tried to ignore him. Riley ran towards the exit along with everyone else that was trying to escape. She saw the light, actual sunlight, just up ahead and it made her eyes start to tear up. She wasn't sure if it was because her body was happy or that it hurt her eyes.

Riley burst through the opening and was surrounded by sunlight. Her body involuntarily laughed and a smile broke out across her face. Somewhere deep down, her mind remembered the sun. The boy stopped crying and screaming. He looked around seeing nothing but land surrounded by water.

Explosions were going off in every direction. Helicopters were flying overhead shooting down at the escapees. All of them still ran for their lives, for their freedom.

"It's safer to hide then to run," a voice from behind her said. Riley looked to see a tall Japanese man. He looked to be twenty-seven. His eyes widened when she looked at him. "Are you going to attack me?"
His mouth didn't move with his words and Riley realized that she had been reading his mind. For some reason, his thoughts stuck out to her more than anyone else's.

"I won't hurt you, but help me save him," she yelled over all the commotion.

"Follow me."

Riley followed the man all the way down to the docks. He pulled out some bamboo from his ragged tan pockets. "Put these in your mouth and use them to breath underwater. It's our only chance right now," he ordered and gave Riley two of them. One was for her and one was for the little boy. They both did as they were told and then sunk down into the water just below the boat deck.

"Now use your powers to see when it's safe for us," she heard the man's thoughts travel to her. He knew her powers. "I would help, but I'm only a battle type."

There were three types of U-Sols that Riley was aware of: Battle-type, Stealth-type, and Intelligence-type. Each type had it's own perks and weaknesses. Riley was a Stealth-type meaning she had powers that allowed her to infiltrate enemy lines without being seen or heard. Battle-types were powerful and built for the battle front. Riley wasn't sure what all Intelligence-types could do, but she knew they could read minds. She wasn't supposed to be able to read minds, but one of the files had gotten mixed up and the white coats had used it on her. She pretended like nothing happened, but she could actually read minds.

“Focus!” the male voice rang out in her head. Riley focused. She breathed slowly, in and out. The water was cold around her and she heard all the scared and excited thoughts of the U-Sols and the A-Sols. She even heard the thoughts of the white coats and the soldiers flying overhead in helicopters. There was no way out for anyone. They all scrambled for boats along the docks, taking off only to get blown to bits by the soldiers flying above. Riley was thankful that the man’s thoughts had stuck out to her. If they hadn't then she and the boy would surely be dead.
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Thank you for reading. Please let me know what you think or if you're confused in any way :)