Status: I hope you will like my story. :)

Within Two Minutes


Since the moment I woke up again I didn’t say a single word, really, or okay, my only spoken word was ‘Hi’. I was in the hospital two days. Meanwhile the doctors investigated why I did it. Maybe they don’t understand because, tell me one good thing on being on the wheelchair, there’s nothing. I was more and more ill-tempered and sulky. If they didn't guard me, I'd kill myself.

Now we’re on our way home. David’s sitting next to me on the backseat and holding my left hand. “We’ll be right there, Pierre.” My mum said as she turned back at us from the passenger's seat. “Hmm …” I only mumbled and looked out from the window. It was autumn and the leaves were still falling. I love autumn. It’s my favorite season.

As my parents helped me to the stairway from the porch I took my jacket off and drove straight to my room. “Pierre, do you wanna anything to eat?” My mummy asked obligingly. “No.” I snapped and slammed the door. Dad, mum even David exchanged strange looks before my dad said: “David, go there to see him. You can get together to talk, he'll listen to you. He doesn’t want to talk to his mum, even not to me, so who else than you. Try it, David, please.” He asked David to come to me. “Okay, of course. I can try.” David responded.

He came in after knocking. “Sweetie, can I talk to you?” He asked cautiously. I was looking out of the window and didn’t turn at him. “Talk about what?” I was disagreeable again. Meantime David sat on the edge of my bed. He didn’t respond to my question. “Come here.” He said. I sighed only and went to him. We were face to face. “What?” I asked. “What’s going on, Pierre? You don’t act how you used to do.” “And you wonder why? I’m crippled! I’m a lame duck! Loser! I can’t anymore! You think it will be better one day? There’s no way, NO WAY, David! What do you think, why I wanted to kill myself, hmm? Because I WON’T be able to do things I love! You understand?! FUCK!” I screamed as loud as I could. I burst into tears. David only looked confused. “Sweetheart, I told you already about a thousand times that this is NOT the end of life.” David said somewhat with equanimity. “It’s not the end of life? David, get a grip! Have you ever seen in your whole life a handicapped person being happy? A handicapped person who does whatever he wants do? Everything is against me! Shit.” I shouted in a loud voice. It pissed him off. He stood up and looked down at me. “Now listen carefully! My mother always says that when everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it! And hey, truth is the only safe ground to stand on, and do you know what the truth is? The truth is that you’re not a loser, you CAN do it, and this fucking wheelchair is NOT an obstacle in your life! So put yourself together and give up on these ones who are like 'Look at that dickwad on the wheelchair' and prove them that you’re a WINNER because you won your struggle of life! You went through tough times, I know, but now you have to go on! What happened, happened and we can't go back, but Pierre, damn, we are here for you! You have the best parents, the best friends who are here to help you. We all love you, honey. So again, this fucking wheelchair is NOT an obstacle!” David screamed. I only looked at him confused. There was silence for a minute before David started talking again. “Honey, I'm sorry I yelled at you but, try to think about what I said … No matter what happened I will love you till the end of times.” It was the last thing David said before he walked away from my room. As the door was shut I looked at it frightened for a minute.

Then I went to my ‘Memory drawer’ and took a small box out. I put it on my legs and opened it. I had there everything since I was ten years old so as time went on I added some different memories into the box. I put out a photo of me and Jack under the basket with the ball. Then I looked at a kissing picture with me and David. I giggled weakly. And last I took a vintage photo of my father playing basketball – the photo was taken many years ago. In that moment I was absolutely sure what to do. My mind was full of thoughts about a man named Ade Adepitan – a paralympic basketball player. I was sure I could do it.

You know, life is a struggle. It will humble you, it will attempt to break you down. The reason most people never achieve their dreams is because they simply give up. Life was never meant to be easy – it’s a constant struggle with extreme lows and extreme highs. You know, now I realized that sometimes we struggle through a tasteless coffee till the last sip, and then we find sugar lying at the bottom… that’s life, sweetened but not stirred well.