You Me & the Dead

Chapter Fifteen

We climbed down the ladder and I looked down around the camp site. It was completely deserted, "Daryl, what happened? Where is everyone?"

"They're back 'long the highway. We got pushed back there during the fight."


We walked through the meadow and I slipped my hand into Daryl's. I could feel him tense up about it like he usually does about anything that's a little bit 'cutesy' but he relaxed and squeezed my hand back as we entered the trees.

It was a beautiful view through the trees. The sun was just about to set and you could hardly see the splatters of blood dotting the forest floor, "So who attacked us?"

"This guy, calls himself the Governor. He ran us out of the last place we were in too. But we got him good this time." Daryl sounded both really proud of this and worried; like shooting at this Governor guy was a really bad thing to do in the first place.

"Well he must be full of himself to call himself the Governor. I hope you shot him in the ass." Daryl stopped and looked me dead in the eye then just started laughing.

"That's great, Lexi."

It wasn't long until we reached the others on the highway. I was almost too grateful to see them all still alive and (most) in one piece.

"Lexi!" Carl came running up to me.

"Hey, Carl!" I wrapped my free arm around him as my right hand was still occupied.

"I'm so glad you're not dead," he whispered.

"Aw. Thanks, Carl. That makes two of us. Even though it was kind of close," I could feel Daryl's grip on my hand tighten extremely as Carl's hug lingered.

"Um, okay now. Daryl and I are going to go talk to Maggie," I said as I could feel the awkward moment beginning to happen. "Uh, okay."

Carl separated himself from and make himself scarce. As we walked away toward we're Maggie and Glenn were standing with Herschel and Carol, Daryl began joking about Carl having a crush on me, "So who cares if he's like thirteen, right? Completely meant to be right there."

"Dixon I swear if you don't shut up…"

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