You Me & the Dead

Chapter Twenty-Two

I banged around for a while, searching the rest of the offices, uselessly because I knew I had already cleared them of walkers and finally just sat outside of the door where the rest of them was.

Maybe ten minutes later after I had carved out a large hole in the floor with my knife, Hershel walked out, "It's done. As far as I can tell it walked but we won't know for sure until she wakes up."

I nodded and stood up. Walking back into the room I saw Maggie and Glenn talking but they shut up as soon as I walked in, "We'll give you some time alone."

Maggie was the first out the door but Glenn hesitated.

"Maybe you can bring her back again," and then he was gone. I stood there for a long minute not knowing what to say or even what to think but then everything just came flooding out.

"God damn it, Lexi. Why are you so fucking stupid? You fall for a guy like me and this is how you end up. You slip out in to a coma not once but fucking twice? Broken nose and a busted lip, then almost shot and killed and now your head cut wide open," I took a breath. I couldn't believe everything I just said to her.

I wasn't trying to be mean but really her life before she met me couldn't have been that hard. She was probably eighty pounds soaking wet and had no signs of crazy to begin with except that she wanted kids… and me.

"You're a damn fool. We both are. To think that this could really work out without somebody getting hurt. Really it should've been me. I shouldn't have let you trip in the first place. I should've just told you that I want you in the first place," This next part that came out of my mouth I didn't think I would ever tell Lexi or another person at all but since I didn't think she could really hear me I thought it was alright; it came out lighter than a whisper. "I do want a kid someday. To make up for my Dad being such a shitty one to me… Maybe with you. "