Human Interaction

Human Interaction

James Tiberius Kirk…

Captain James T Kirk….

James T Kirk…

Captain Kirk….


The man responsible for almost driving his own first commanding officer insane.

He was pretty handsome to say the least. The man had short blondish hair, not too tall, not to short, of average height. He had eyes not even the ocean could compare to. They were such a deep, crystal clear, perfect, blue.He was quite popular with the ladies, winning them over with a simple smile.

He always seemed to act based on emotions, impulse. It didn’t matter if it put people in danger, he didn’t want to leave anyone behind, but if anything major were to happen, he’d be the first person to go down with his ship, leaving no vessel without her captain, knowing better than anyone else what that was like. Jim would do anything for his crew, for they were his family; it didn’t matter if the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few. To him, they were the many, as well as the few.

Jim couldn’t figure one thing out though. Out of his years of Starfleet, graduating a year early, as he told Captain Pike, he was still unsure of one thing. Spock.

There was a half human, half Vulcan man. He was a little taller than him. Jim wanted to know more, but he couldn’t break that stupid hold Spock had around himself, aside from emotionally compromising him now and then to get his way, proving a point. He always stood there with such a logical stance. He had those pointy little ears, and those big strange stupid eyebrows, not to mention that stupid smirk. His hair was stupid too, but for entirely new reasons. It killed him inside at night, knowing that Spock though he was quite illogical and emotional. Being his friend shouldn’t mean jeopardizing your own life.

Jim knew he was everything he ever wanted and more, he just didn’t know why. There was something about the challenge that seemed different. Every time he’d look at him, it was like he’d fall in love all over again.

Those stupid pointed ears…that seemed to fit him just right.

Those stupid eyebrows and how they didn’t sit right…but made him unique.

The stupid way his bangs sat straight across his face, hair having no way to him childlike qualities.

His favorite thing though… The ultimate best feature, in his mind, was the way Spock completely lost it, like a rage filled passionate outburst, when he was emotional. It was like he didn’t know what to do, all that pent up frustration, emotional tides coming in. Jim loved that most.

Today was going to be the day he told him that. He’d walk into his room from the bridge, and he’d tell him he loved him. No matter how illogical or emotional it was, he was going to do it. Fuck whatever the outcome was. If he didn’t do it now, he’d second guess himself, and he’d never say anything.

"Ji-Captain, I’d like to have a word with you," a voice stuttered a little coming up in front of him.

"What’d I do this time?"

Spock made that face. He was confused beyond belief, and was unsure of how to say what he wanted to say. His eyebrows furrowed together a little, and his lips pursed.

"You did not do anything Captain. I simply would like to talk to you in private."

Jim was a little worried, but this obviously seemed more important than his silly little confession. So, he followed Spock into a more private place, sitting down on Spock’s bed next to him.

"What’s going on Mister Spock," he asked, sounding more professional this time, alarmed at how he was acting.

Spock sighed a little, again making that face.

"Captain, I am not sure what is going on, but I would like to inform you that… While I normally am more focused on my Vulcan half, not allowing myself to feel in ways that humans do..It seems I have been feeling recently."

"That’s…good? What are you feeling?" Jim was highly confused, though a little proud his Vulcan friend did in fact feel, and on his own.

"I suppose, though it is strange. I have watched many interactions happen between people aboard this ship and throughout my life. I am 98.3576% certain that I have ‘feelings’ for you. I’m not sure how to explain myself because I am not used to such thoughts. At night I have noticed myself thinking about you and I felt the need to inform you, as I did not feel right doing so without your permission Captain."

Jim’s eyes lit up and his lips twisted up into a smile. Never had be been so happy to hear something come out of Spock’s mouth. It was very formal, and yet so nerve wracking for him. He could tell by the little fidgeting he did, making minimal eye contact.

"Spock, I told you, you can call me Jim. It’s okay. I’m glad you’re feeling. Especially about me. I was just on my way to find you to tell you I felt the same. I guess I’m not 98 point whatever you said-"


"Yeah, that. I’m 100% sure that I’m in love with you. Even though you and I disagree on everything."

Jim took Spock’s chin, lifting him up so their eyes met. He smiled and leaned in, kissing him softly. Spock was hesitant, but returned the gesture. What he didn’t see coming, was the way Jim moved their hands up, holding out his thumb, index and middle finger together, followed by a space, than his ring and pinky finger. He made sure it matched along side Spock’s, pulling back from the kiss, hands still connected.

Through all these years, he did learn something from Spock about Vulcan culture after all. Spock looked down at their hands, smiling as he looked back at Jim, just the tiniest bit, kissing him once more.