Sequel: Bloom
Status: For a contest



Bambi is having trouble sleeping, she rises from her bed and goes to fetch a small glass of water, and she thinks maybe the cool air will either wake her completely or help her sleep. She walks down the stairs of her house quietly, her uncle is sleeping and she can hear the familiar sound of his snores, it reminds her of his warm breath on her body and how desperately she wishes to be asleep.

A small light is on in the lounge room and Bambi expects her father to be watching some documentary and haven forgotten he has work in the morning, only her eyes are greeted by a small figure sitting on the ground watching the pictures of a muted TV, Bambi watches Karla stare at the TV, Bambi wants to walk away and leave the little girl to her silent pictures but Karla notices her, “Sit with me Alice?” Bambi does not know how to politely decline and a part of her feels like she owes Karla this if not so much more.

“What are you watching?”

“I don’t know, I just like the pretty pictures” Bambi frowns at the images on the screen of a grisly murder, Bambi does not consider these pretty pictures but really who is a girl as strange as Bambi to judge?

“Shouldn’t you be watching something else?” Bambi continues to frown at the screen, she wishes with all her might someone would save her but it is becoming more and more clear to Bambi that life is not a fairy tale and no one is going to save her.

“I like this…” Karla says, she turns to Bambi with a sad look on her face, “He talks about you a lot” Bambi does not have to ask who, “He says such wonderful things about the two of you… I think he loved you”

“That’s not love Karla”

“Of course it is Alice, why else would he do it?”

“Karla” Bambi says her frown deepening,

“Alice you are too old to be that naive” Bambi stares at the small girl, she speaks as if she has lived a hundred years and maybe she has, Bambi is no longer sure of anything really, “He misses you, I think he is going to forgive you soon” Karla smiles and it scares Bambi, she is not sure what is wrong with Karla but she is scared it might be the same thing wrong with Bambi and if it is, Bambi knows it cannot ever be fixed. “Does anyone know Alice?”

“Know what Karla?”

“You know” Karla is being mean and Bambi is too sweet to realize, Karla wants Bambi to admit what her uncle did to her, Karla is so sad and tired and she needs someone to finally tell her she is not insane, she hopes Alice will be the one to do this, she is so very disappointed when Alice stands and leaves with a lie for parting words,

“I don’t know anything Karla”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sad girls are the prettiest, and boy is she sad.