Status: One-shot :)

Mistakes I Wished Had Gone Wrong.

The consequence

There was a nervous tapping on the front door and when I answer, Lily is standing there fidgeting with her blouse's sleeves.

- Hey. - she does this little wave - We need to talk.

I step aside and motion for her to come in. Lily sat on the couch and sit in front of her.

- Do you need anything? A water? - she shakes her head and looks down to her hands.

- I need you to come to the doctor with me. - she whispers and I am confused, she probably notices it because she keeps speaking.

- John, I am pregnant. - that's a world stopping sentence.

- Are you going to get rid of it? - I ask, ready to argue against it.

- No, that'd be... Awful. I just, I scheduled a CVC to find out... If it's yours or Austin's - of yeah, there was that.

Lily is Austin's girl and all we ever had was a one night fling when they fought and I offered her shelter. After that night she went back to her picket fence life with Austin, she works at an important publisher and he tours all over.

- Ok, when? - she looked down at her watch.

- In an hour. - I nodded.

- Okay, let me change and we can head there. - I went to my room and when I came back, Lily was messing with her phone but as soon as she saw me, she jumped up and nearly fell to the floor, I had to help her balance herself by putting my hands on her waist.

After that awkward moment, she gives me directions to the place and explained what would happen. Apparently, I wouldn't have to draw any blood, they would just get some of my saliva with a Q-tip but she'd have to undergo a procedure in which the doctor will stick a needle into her and take some DNA from the baby. This is good even, because they will test it formthese awful genetic diseases.

However, it's a very invasive procedure so there's a slim chance of miscarriage, so I'll have to give her a ride back and help her inside. Which I don't mind because Austin's away visiting his mother.

By the time we get there, we don't have to wait very long but I don't go in with Lily. And when she gets out I can see that she's clearly shaken, her face white and when I took her hand, she was shaking lightly.

- Is everything alright? - she nods and brings her other hand over her barely there bump, gently caressing it.

On the way to the house, I have to stop once at the side of the road for Lily to vomit but soon we arrive there, I help her inside and to the bed.

- Thank you, John. - she holds my hand for a few seconds longer and lets go.

- They'll e-mail me the results and when they do, I'll text you. - I nod and leave.

As soon as I am in my car, I get a text from Eric, calling me over to watch a game and I accept without hesitation, I need a cold beer and some buddy time.


A few hours later I get a text from Lily.

- It's Austin's. Thanks again for going with me.


After that night, everything changed. When Austin came back, Lily told him the news and he proposed, they got married in the desert - Lily wore this beautiful cream gown made of light fabric that softly showed her bump at the same time as flew with the breeze - and she gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy, named Jace.

All the while I wished the test had came back positive.
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A short story I wrote during classes when I was bored, it's very bittersweet.