Two Worlds

Prologue: Two Of Us

Two of Us by The Beatles

The soft breeze blew across the venue, the smells and sounds drifting with it. Today wasn't just an ordinary day. I fiddled with his tie, tyring not too look into his eyes. "Hey," He said softly, as his hand reached up to stroke my face. I felt like I was going to cry. This man was within my reach...but I couldn’t grab him still. I longed for him so much so it was like an illness, an illness that had crept into my very being and the only cure was him.

"Oi!" a familiar voice made me move away from him. "Have you seen your dad?" I nodded as he almost pulled me aggressively away. "I'll see you later Christian..." I trailed off, only to be held by my so called 'boyfriend.’ "Hi honey, save that for later!" He giggled as he embraced me in a warm fatherly hug. "Excited?" I asked as he gave me a squeeze. "Yes! I'm so nervous!" He exclaimed, unable to keep the emotion out of his voice. I gladly walked away from Harry (Who was soon to be my step brother, all the more reason to get out of that mess of a relationship fast) and walked with my dad through the magical gardens in which he was going to embark on a new journey.

“I, Franklin Alexander Dency, promise to keep you in my heart forever and a day. I promise to protect you with all my strength and swear on my life to love you until I die.” I could feel the tears of joy as my father and soon to be step father began their vows. I stood by my best friend as I finally let the tears roll down my cheeks. Watching my dad finally be happy again made me the happiest girl alive. “Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, man and husband.” Christian put an arm around me as my dad kissed his new husband. He then pulled me into a hug as dad and Charlie walked (almost ran) down the aisle.

We both walked down the aisle and when we were out of sight I ran towards my dad and tackled him into a hug. He laughed and hugged me as well. “I am so fucking proud of you right now!” He kissed my forehead and let go of me. I hugged Charlie and he hugged me back. With a kiss on the cheek I stepped back and walked back to Christian. But that soon stopped when Harry walked up to us. He shook his dad and Frank’s hand and pulled me to his side. I forced a smile.

We headed over to the reception. It wasn’t a long walk because it was in the same garden as the ceremony. We sat in our respected seats. The seating order went: Helen, Christian, Myself, Dad, Charlie and Harry. I was glad to not sit next to Harry. I turned to Christian and smiled. Feeling the jealousy from the other side of the table I sat back in my chair. I was glad that Harry couldn’t drink because he had work in the morning. But that wasn’t going to stop him from partying.

Christian and I chose to stay in our seats. The food was served and everyone started eating. I looked over my speech that I had to do before Christian tapped me on the shoulder. “You’re on.” He kissed me on the cheek and I stood up. I walked to the microphone and hushed everyone. “First off I would like to thank everyone for coming and making this day special. For those who don’t know I am Beth, Frank’s daughter.” They all clapped. “Ever since I was a little girl it was basically just me and my dad, with the exception of the brother from another mother.” Christian laughed and looked at his mum.

“But what I’m telling you is that Dad could not be any happier with his job, his helpline and his family. And that’s what keeps me going every day. To Charlie. I have known you since I was 14. It’s not as long but I can assure you, you helped me out through the bad times. You make dad so happy and you’ve put smiles on a lot of other people.” I raised my glass. “To Dad and Charlie!” we all made the toast and I sat back down. We spent the rest of the night dancing, singing and eating until it was time for Dad and Charlie’s honeymoon in the Bahamas.
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Here is my first Original fiction! Hope you like it! Gimmie some ideas on what to put in!
This is Beth's outfit