Two Worlds

Chapter 1: Thinking Of You

Thinking Of You-Katy Perry

“My father’s vision: lovequality. For those who don’t know, it’s a word that his business partner, and new husband, Charlie Mason-Dency made up. It means equality for all types of human relations. Whether it is a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man, transgender or bisexual relationships; if you don’t like it. Then you don’t need to be a part of it.” The crowd of hundreds clapped and cheered. I turned around to see Christian, harry and Helen clapping and smiling. I smiled back at them and turned my head as the crowd died down.

“As most of you know, gay marriage has been finally legalised in most parts of Australia and throughout the world. I am Beth Dency; acting spokesperson for the MDSSHSDA. Thank you!” I walked off the stage to my friends. Harry was the first to hug me. He kissed me on the cheek and let go. Helen and Christian both hugged me at the same time. “That was brilliant sweetie!” Helen cooed. “Let’s all head back to the house.” I smiled and got into the car.

We reached home in twenty minutes. Christian and I walked in first. “I loved every second of it!” He had his arm around me as we walked in. I knew that I had to go to harry sometime so I walked into the kitchen where he was and put my arms around him. His stiff figure made me feel cold as he didn’t hug me back. I knew that he would have to show his true colours somehow so I let go and walked off. I was soon tackled onto the couch by Harry as he pulled me in for a hug. He kissed my forehead. “You did well Bethy.” For some reason, he still made me smile. I kissed his cheek and giggled. “You are staying at my house tonight.” I didn’t want to say no. I couldn’t. I smiled. “Good.” He got up and walked off.

I walked to the spare room where Christian was playing the keyboard. “You need to get away from him and fast.” He said, knowing it was me. I sat down next to him. “I know…but it’s hard.” He stopped and looked at me. “Why do you want to break up with him so bad?” I frowned a little. “Well… he is your stepbrother now and isn’t that basically incest?” He stammered to find the right words. “Well no because it’s we’re not related…and besides…I love him.” I was still trying to read Christian; something that I hadn’t been able to do for a long time. He only sighed and got up. “Well I’m going to go home with mum.” He kissed my cheek and walked out.

I felt bad because he was worried. And I was also scared that he knew about Harry. I didn’t want to tell anyone because I didn’t want to drag attention towards myself. I sighed. When it was time to go, I locked up dad’s house and walked out to Harry’s car. We got to his flat in 45 minutes. He lived pretty far away from us. I couldn’t stop thinking about Christian. I knew that he knew something. I looked out the window and focused on my best friend. His eyes, his hair, his smile… “We need to have a serious talk after we get home. What do you want for dinner?” I was so lost my train of thought I blurted out “Christian.” I realised what I said and looked to my boyfriend. The look on his face wasn’t a happy one. “I take it you want subway then.” His voice was blunt.

He was angry, his knuckles white from gripping the wheel. “Harry…HARRY! You’re speeding. Slow down! I didn’t mean Christian in that way…you know I lose my train of thought.” The desperate attempt of trying to convince him didn’t work.

I was in for a long, painful night.
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Here is the second chapter! and Beth's outfit for the speech
The next chapter is a little sad. What do you think about the characters so far? There will be alot more of Frank and Charlie soon
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Thanks a plenty

P.S The next chapter is very dark and a little graphic. if it is too distressing don't read it. I will post a warning on the chapter as well.