Two Worlds

Chapter 3: All This Time, I Can't Believe I Couldn't See

Bring Me To Life by Evanescence

^Christians POV^
The car pulled up and I saw Harry get out of the car, But no Beth. I saw through his smile, I didn’t understand why no one else couldn’t. “Where’s Beth?” I asked. He looked down. “She wasn’t feeling well this morning. Couldn’t get out of bed without her head spinning like a record.” I knew something was up. I turned around to see Harry hugging his dad and step dad and explaining Beth’s absence. I looked to mum as her face was sad. ‘At least mum had a feeling.’ I thought. I got myself a beer and started to drink a little. I didn’t drink too much because I was planning to go soon.

I saw Frank and Charlie quietly discussing something by the pool. Charlie looked rather defensive. They were talking about Beth and Harry. Why did it take 2 years to finally see that something was wrong? “I waited an hour before grabbing my keys. “Where are you going?” Mum turned to me. “I don’t think Harry is telling the truth.” I walked over to Frank. “Hey Frank, I’ll be back I just realised I forgot the dessert so I’m going to bounce off to the shops.” He and Charlie nodded and I walked off. I didn’t look Harry in the eye as I walked out of the backyard, and into my car and drove off.

I was happy that I knew where Harry lived. It was going to take me a while so I texted Charlie saying that ‘traffic is delayed, will be longer.’ I was scared. I thought I was going to cry. I reached the small town where Harry lived and slowed down as I saw an undercover police car. I searched for his street. Paris court. I took the turn and found his house. I stopped the car and ran in. “Beth!?” I yelled out. “Beth where are you?”

I searched through the whole house before the top part of the house. When I got up there, most of the doors were closed. Harry’s door however was slightly open. My stomach dropped. I didn’t want to go in there. “Beth?” I spoke softly, walking to the door. I opened it up and there she was, on the bed, not only with her clothes ripped but she was lying in a pool of blood, slowly congealing on the bed.

“BETH!” I didn’t care if my clothes got dirty. I got on the bed and lifted her up so her head was lying on my lap. She was barely breathing. I called 000 straight away. “Triple zero how may I assist you?” I calmed myself down a little. “I just found my friend on her boyfriends’ bed, she’s barely breathing. It looks like she’s been raped but she has gashes on both her wrist and there’s a lot of blood everywhere.” I took a deep breath. “We will send police and an ambulance right away! Your name and the address of the house?” I stated my name and the address. “What you need to do right now is move her off the bed and place her so she’s slightly upright. Try to get her to talk if she can.” I said goodbye and hung up

I called Frank. He was going to meet us at the hospital along with Mum, Charlie and the asshole, Harry. We were in the lounge room. I was lying on the couch with my legs spread apart and her head was on my chest. It didn’t take long for the police to come first. “Is there anyone else here?” the constable asked. I shook my head. The ambulance was outside and the drivers came in and took the limp Beth from me. “Thank you Mr McKissic. If you want, after your time with the police you can ride in the back with Beth.” I turned to the policeman and woman and told them everything. From Harry and Beth to now. They let me go and I hopped into the back of the truck.

I had to wait in the waiting room for her but as I was waiting, Frank, Charlie and Mum ran in. Behind them was a concerned looking Harry. I knew he was lying so I went straight for him and pushed him to the ground rather hard and got ready to punch him. “You little shit! Hurting her like that!” I gave him one good blow to the nose and Frank pulled me off. I lost it then. I walked over to mum and folded into her arms. I let myself burst into tears. The police walked in. “Which one of you is Harrison Mason?” He looked up from his new spot in the chair. “Yes?” he coughed. “You’re under arrest for the rape of Bethany Dency.” Charlie looked at his son in utter disgust. He stood up as the police woman handcuffed him. I stood up. “Constable Stringer?” He turned around and nodded. He knew that I had punched him. He handed me a fine. “Just try to contain yourself sir.” He walked over to Mum, Frank and Charlie and asked if they were okay. He apologised for what happened and walked off.

We waited another 3 hours for a nurse to walk in. Sargent Harper came back and stayed with us to talk to Beth (when she was ready.) I looked to Frank and Charlie. “You guys go in…I’ll wait here with Mum. “ They nodded solemnly and walked in. I held mum’s hand as Sargent Harper spoke to usm consoling us as well as asking questions.
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Here's Christians POV, i feel really sorry for him :(
Beth comes back in chapter 4 so thats going to be good!
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