Two Worlds

Chapter 4: Darling You'll Be Okay

Hold On Til May by Pierce The Veil

^Beth’s POV^

I woke up somewhere. I didn’t know where. There were beeping noises, muffled voices and someone touching me. Once I regained my consciousness and thoughts I eventually put two and two together. I was in a hospital. Someone found me. I wanted it to happen but at the same time, I didn’t want it to happen. “Miss Dency, can you hear me?” a female voice spoke. I couldn’t feel any emotion at all. I nodded. She did some things like change the bandages around my wrists and wiped away any blood from my face. “I’ll let your parents know you’re awake.” She walked out. I took the
time to think about who found me.

“Oh my darling!” I heard dads voice as he rushed to my side and hugged me. Little did he know that he was leaning on my right arm. A single tear rolled down my cheek. “Frank, you’re hurting her.” Charlie looked remorseful. He crouched down beside me. “Beth. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” I lifted my hand and stroked his cheek. “It’s okay Charlie.” He smiled a tearful smile and sat down. I turned to dad. “Where is he now?” I had a look of pure fear in my eyes. “He is in jail for the time being. Beth when you’re ready, Sargent Harper is outside with Christian and Helen and-” I instantly cut him off. “I want to see Christian.” They looked at each other and nodded. They walked out.

Christian came in five minutes later, Just looking at me. His pants, shirt and hands were all bloodied. He sat next to me. “I found you like that.” He said his voice a careful whisper. “Can I have you in here when I talk to the police officer?” I asked. He nodded. “I told her that you might have wanted someone with you when you spoke. Do you want me to go and get her?” I nodded. He kissed my forehead and walked off. He came back in almost instantly with the officer. Her face was soft but her body was built like a policewoman. She sat down next to me and handed me a cup of tea. “Good morning Beth, I’m Sargent Harper but please call me Harper.” We shook hands.

“Now you can take your time with this. You have Christian here as well. So let’s start from the beginning. When did this all start?” I thought back to two years ago. “I thought Harry had really loved me. He seemed to show it. It was about a year in when we started fighting. He…started to beat on me 4 months ago.” I sensed Christian’s anger rise each time I spoke. “How long was I out for?” I turned to my best friend. “Three days.” He said. I did some thinking. “Not last week but the week before, the night of the wedding, after me and harry came home. He started to beat me. Then this Friday he got worse. He raped me and bashed me.” Harper wrote some things down.

“What about your arms? Were they his doing?” I shook my head. “Self-inflicted.” I whispered. Christian held my hand and I squeezed it. Harper stood up. “Thank you for your time Beth, I will definitely be coming back to check in on you.” She smiled and walked off. I turned my head to Christian. “I’m sorry.” I spoke. I still didn’t feel any emotion. I heard a small, but loud “Oh my god” from my dad. ‘Harper told him about the arms.’ I thought to myself. Christian slowly and carefully got on the bed and held me. “From now on, I am never letting you out of my sight. We are going to finally move in together in an apartment and be happy. No more Harry. I promise.” He kissed me on the forehead.

We both fell asleep in each other’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long folks!
Happy that Beth
i am :)
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