Two Worlds

Chapter 6: Grab Your Hat And Fetch Your Camera

She's A Handsome Woman by Panic! At The Disco

**A Week Later**
I was discharged from the hospital a day ago. Christian was my aid until I was strong enough to stand on my own. The loss of blood and my bruises I was sitting at Helen and Christians’ house. Both of us were on the laptop looking at the real estate websites. “I just want to live in a small apartment, one that’s pet friendly.” I spoke. Christian smiled at me. “Well there is this one here…” He showed me the place and I nodded. “But that’s in the city though,” I felt concerned. “But we always wanted to live in the city, remember?” I thought back to the days of high school:


“Christian you spunk!” I laughed as He walked through the yard in his uniform, but with half the buttons undone. He sat next to me and hugged me. “How are you?” The kiss on the cheek made me blush “I am so tired it’s not even questionable.” I giggled and ruffled his short, dark brown hair. His piercing blue eyes glistened in the sun. “I have an idea.” I nodded, motioning for him to go on. “We move out of home when we finish school and live in the city!” He smiled again and I pushed him. “You are a genius Chrissie.” I kissed him on the cheek this time.

I smiled to myself as I thought about the good time we had before I met Harry. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Christian. “Beth! Which one do you like?” I looked at the two options I had. I settled on the more modern looking one. ”This one!” I pointed out. He laughed and snaked his arm around me. “Well I’m going to tell your dad. He said he was going to buy the house for us.” I looked shocked. “It’s true Butterfly.” I turned around to see my dad with his arm around Charlie’s waist. “You are seriously going to pay for this apartment?” I asked. They both looked at each other and nodded. I got up really fast, only for me to fall down on the ground with a major head spin and a sore chest. Christian picked me up fast and held me until I got my balance. I walked over to my dad and husband and hugged them both, kissing them on the cheek.

In about 4 days I was feeling close to 100%. I could walk on my own and my arms didn’t feel so limp. Dad and Charlie brought the apartment and it was packing day. Charlie helped out with my music related stuff and Dad helped me out with the packing in my room. Christian was at his house packing his stuff with the help of Helen. “And my blood levels are almost back to normal, I just need one more small transfusion.” I told Dad. He looked at me and smiled. “Well that’s great honey.” I couldn’t help but to look at his saddened face. “Dad?” He looked at me. “I’m sorry…I didn’t know….” He trailed off and I kissed his forehead. “Don’t worry It’s over now.” Charlie had walked into the room at that time.

He hugged me tightly but I yelped a little as he squeezed too tight on my ribs. He let go and I smiled. “Your music stuff are all in boxes and are in the truck.” I thanked him and finished packing the stuff in my room. He gave me a sad pat on the shoulder before walking off. Christian and Helen arrived 5 minutes later with their boxes to put in the truck. I walked out and hugged Christian. “Hey there Butterfly.” He hugged me softly. “Ready to move house?” I looked at him, then the truck.
For a second, I hesitated a little. But I smiled and nodded. He laughed and helped me put the boxes into the truck. Christian hugged his mum and both my fathers. I did the same. “Have fun you two!” They said as we got in the truck and drove off, listening to some Asking Alexandria on the way to the city.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everybody! heres the next chapter!
its more of a filler i know! haha
Oh and in case you were wondering, this is Harry
And Christian is played by Drew of this years Australian Big Brother Just watch this to get an idea of his voice and stuff
Who's excited for Beth and Christian!?
I am!
Have fun with this
P.S. This is what Beth is wearing in this chapter