And We Dream of Somewhere Else


“ Okay, see you later fucker!” he shouted, smirking before closing the door behind him. I just chuckled and shook my head.

Friends. You basically can’t live without them, it’s simple. You need them in your daily life to help you. No matter if you had an accident, or you broke up with someone, or you just want a little company on a Friday night, they will be right there…The good ones, at least. That’s why there are kinda…types of friends. There are the ones you just have a good time with, or share classes. Then there are the ones you would never doubt dying for. The ones that will be by your side, they’re not you but they understand you like they were. Those you call best friends, which in my opinion they are more than that. They are brothers and sisters from different mothers; they are your other half and you just can’t imagine your life without them anymore.

Kellin. He has been my best friend since I have memory. I was five when I found him under that huge, terrifying tree. It was strange, you could say. He wasn’t doing anything; not reading nor listening to music. In fact, he was looking around desperately, like he was waiting for something to happen. What a good first impression. I frowned from my spot, which happened to be on the other side of the park. But I could still see him clearly. What a weird kid, it captured my attention though. Then it all happened to fast. Noticing that was he was waiting for wasn’t coming any time soon, he dropped his head. I looked at my sides as well. Maybe there’s something I wasn’t aware of? What if that boy was waiting for someone and that person never came? Suddenly I felt bad for him. Maybe he had no friends at all. And I wasn’t judging, hey, I was five and I was alone as fuck too. I stared at him, beautiful big blue eyes meeting mine in a matter of seconds. It looked like he was shocked, but he showed me that I was wrong as a funny smile appeared in his face. I was confused, but as the innocent child who just wanted to make friends and play, I grabbed my little notebook and colored pencils from the ground and made my way to what it seemed to be a new friend.

His contagious smile didn’t leave his face once I sat next to him, bringing my knees to my chest.
“Hi! I’m Vic and I’m five.” I said shyly and opened my hand showing my five fingers.
“I’m Kellin. Wanna be my friend?” Kellin asked grinning widely.
“Sure,” I shrugged, “Draw with me!”
And with that we laid on the soft grass, giggling and drawing, thinking of cool stories only a 5 years old could think about.
I lifted my head for a second, quickly searching for my mom. She was sitting on a bench, the one I was sitting on before, too. She frowned and took her hand to her mouth, slowly. I smiled and ignored her, looking down to my awesome drawing and showing it to Kellin.
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This is my first thing oh my God. Tell me what you think about it :)