And We Dream of Somewhere Else

Chapter 1

The white door finally opened revealing a happy Kellin. Of course he came back, he never break his promises. Never.
He jumped around until he reached to where I was and sat in front of me on that uncomfortable and tiny bed I’ve grown to hate.

“So!,” He started, turning to take something out of his bag. “You gotta love me!” He said loudly in that high pitched voice of him which I tried to hush, but failed and ended up laughing. There on the bed were some snacks, coke, three movies and my old notebook. He knew how boring could be in here sometimes and how much I loved to write songs. I couldn’t expect any other thing from him, he’s a genious.

“Oh fuck yeah.” I chuckled while punching his arm playfully. He looked so fragile sometimes I was afraid of hurting him.

So once more I moved a little so he could sit next to me. We exchanged a few words and in a matter of minutes his laptop was resting on our knees, and a smile appeared on my face as I read ‘Marley & Me’ on the screen.

Everyday was pretty much the same. Not that I minded. I was glad to have a friend like him. He’s been nothing but fucking supportive. Since I came to this shitty hospital one month ago, well, he visited me everyday. And we would do exactly that. Play music, read, watch music, or just be the idiots we were.
I always knew there was something wrong with me, you know? Not only because of the concerned looks random people, family even, gave my mom and me. But because I was locked inside these four white walls and that was proof enough. The thing was, anyways, what was wrong with me? What did I had? I remember my mother telling me I needed therapy, that it will help. Help what? Just in that moment, when I ask why the heck I am in here, is when she smiles at me, or should I say fakes a smile and changes the subject. But I’m not stupid. I see her eyes full of worry and sadness. She’s been doing that since I arrived to the hospital and to be honest, I don’t care anymore. Even if I want to get the fuck out of here, I can’t, at least not for now. She’s convinced this will actually make a change, that things will be better eventually. At this point I just gave up, and now everytime we talk I just nod at her.
I’m not mad at her though. It’s not that bad in here. I mean, I can handle it. Being asked about 20 questions a day, being visited by amount of doctors and basically not being able to even go out because this was a ‘serious thing’ was annoying as shit for sure, but I didn’t mind. Actually I laughed my ass out everytime Kellin told a really bad joke, or when we watched Adventure Time, laughing at ourselves for being 18 and still watching cartoons, or just when he walked through the door with his usual self. Simple things like that made my day less hell. And I have to say, I don’t know what would be of me without this kid around.

“Aw, little Vic’s crying?” he teased and I glared at him before wiping away the single tear rolling down my cheek.
“The dog though! I don’t like it when animals die Kels, so you can shut your pretty mouth.” I replied and he laughed while closing his laptop.
“Alright, animal lover, alright.” He kept making fun of me and I sighed loudly and hooked my arm around his neck and pulled him closer so I could tickle him. He began to squirm and giggle uncontrollably.

“S-stop Vic! You’re and asshole.” He managed to say breathlessly. I made sure to enjoy this and after two more minutes I let him go. I loved to do that, it was hilarious.

“Excuse me? It was well deserved.” I chuckled and and let out a happy sigh. He crossed his arms but I saw a little smile forming on his lips. I shook my head and took my phone from the little table next to the bed.

“10 p.m already!? “ Kellin widened his eyes. Where did the evening go? They say that when you are having fun you aren’t aware of the time. But seriously though. We didn’t do much. But yes, I had a perfect day today.

“Yup it is, “ I answered, putting my phone back on the table “Guess I’m seeing you tomorrow?

“Is that even a question?” he raised his eyebrow giving me that ‘are you stupid’ look. I rolled my eyes and he got up, stretching his arms.

“ Had fun though,” he smiled lazily and smirked before adding “ I just found out how girly and sensitive you get over dogs deaths.”

“Shut up and go please, you’re doing me a favour.” I joked and we bought laughed. He opened the door and was about to leave when he suddenly turned and I just knew too.

“I was forgetting.” He walked to me, took one of his million bracelets and slided it into my hand. I looked at it and then up at Kellin who was already at the door once again.

“Now yes, I’m going. Bye bye Vicky!” he shouted from the hallway.

I usually went to sleep later, but today I had nothing to do. And after that movie and the food I felt really sleepy. Well fuck it. I got changed into comfy clothes and slipped into bed. After thinking about the great day I had and looking at what Kellin left me, I yawned and quickly drifted away into dreamland.
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I don't speak English that well so. Yeah. Sorry for any mistakes!