And We Dream of Somewhere Else

Chapter 3

It was another day, another story. It was Monday, and what was better than Kellin coming here to start the week? We had planned last week that today we were going outside.

Okay, I lied. I wasn’t ‘locked in here forever’. I could go out sometimes. The hospital had a little garden in the back. It was nice, you could say. Just like an ordinary garden, bright green grass and colorful flowers lighting up the place. There was a huge tree in the middle where I always went to read on sunny days, since it was so damn big and sitting in the shadow was relaxing. Today we were going there with Kellin. I had never gone with anyone, but you know, Kellin wasn’t anyone.

I looked through the window and watched the raindrops fall, sliding down the glass like in a race to see which one was faster. The wind was blowing the trees outside, and it was scary, the way they moved and shook. Then I looked up at the sky. Grey and black clouds covered most part of it, not letting the sun to be seen. I heard a loud noise, like a glass falling to the floor, like broken glass. The light flashed once more in the sky, followed by the same sound. And despite the fact it was a horrible day for most of people, for me, at least, it was beautiful. Because I always saw beauty in the rain.

“This is disgusting.” I said with a sigh as I pushed my plate with the untouched food aside. And just then, and like he had read my thoughts, Kellin appeared in the room; Mc Donald’s in his left hand and that incredible smile of his in his face.
“Woah. Nice place you kept hidden from me, huh?” he pushed me and ran to the tree while I just chuckled. He could be a kid sometimes.

“I’m showing it to you now, don’t be an idiot Kels.” I rolled my eyes and ran to him, stopping while he didn’t answer. Even if he wasn’t right, he would argue with you until he has the reason. Now though, he said nothing.

“Kels..?” I raised my eyebrow and cocked my head, but suddenly, anything I could possibly be thinking of just vanished and I found myself looking at him, yet again. His right hand rested on the tree, sliding his finger along, like it was the most interesting thing on Earth. His eyes were sparkling with curiosity, the rain that kept on falling standing out the blue of them. It was like unreal. And then his childish smile playing on his face as he kept whispering ‘wow’ to himself. Really, it was something to stare at for ages. Then I realized I had zoned out again when he snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Vic, are you hearing me?” he said with a chuckle and grabbing my hand to pull me closer. My heart was beating so damn fast and I just hated it. Why was this shit happening? Why was I nervous if I was that close to him? For God’s sake, I had known Kellin all my life, we were best buddies, best friends. Could it just suddenly change? No Vic, of course not. It was just my imagination.

“Uh yeah, yeah.”

“What did I say then?”

“Uh..You uhm…” he smirked and ruffled my hair a bit, splashing water everywhere since we both, and all this whole place, were soaked.
“ I said that this should be our secret garden.” He giggled as he looked at me excited. I closed my eyes and laughed loudly. Then I heard another thunder and the rain started falling harder.

“Kellin this is a public place. Everyone knows this part of the hospital.” I said hitting his arm playfully as he pouted, but then that funny smile was in his face once more.

“But they won’t know what happens in here.” He suggested and I sighed, giving in. I couldn’t say no to that face.

We ran back in the hospital giggling; pushing doctors in the way and leaving a path of mud behind us. People gave us odd looks which we just shrugged off, because we couldn’t careless. So as we reached my room, both laughing breathlessly, I took my bag and put a few things in it; some blankets and my notebook, while Kellin grabbed the Mc Donald’s. As soon as we had everything we ran back to our secret place.
“Come here Vic!” he shouted, not because we were far away, after all it was just a little garden; but because the rain was making so much noise.

I stood up from my spot on the ground and went to where he was with my blanket still around me. We were once more in front of the tree. He flashed me a beaming smile and took a little blade from his pocket. I widened my eyes and my first reaction was to stop him. Whatever it was, I didn’t like blades near Kellin. Never.

“Sh, I’m not gonna do anything.” He said in a soft voice that got me dumbfounded. Shit I had to stop doing that. I don’t even know why I was doing it. But hell there was something about Kellin..Just something special about him and even if I wanted to, I couldn’t escape from it.

He took the sharp object between his point finger and thumb and wrote on the tree. I stayed there watching the whole time, but eventually smiled a little when he finished.

“ There it goes. Our secret garden.” He sounded like a child and I rolled my eyes at it, but he seemed really excited about it so I just let it happen. He had done a lot for me lately so this wouldn’t kill anyone.

“We are gonna get a cold Kellin,” I chuckled as I took his hand “ let’s go inside.”

The rain never seemed to stop; in fact it fell harder everytime. The once almost white sky was now a dark grey, almost black. Kellin pouted, but I didn’t want him to get sick, did I? Of course not. Who would visit me then?

We made it to the room I was in and I quickly searched for some towels in one of my drawers. I handled one to Kellin and I dried my hair with the other one as I sat on my bed; him sitting by my side.

“You did have funny, admit it.” He said cheekily.

“Sure thing Kellin.” I said looking away. He hated when people didn’t pay him attention; it was like something he always needed. Someone to listen, I guess.
He frowned and followed my eyes “Yes you did!” he said like he couldn’t believe it and crossed his arms. I shrugged, still not meeting his eyes and trying to contain the laughter. I couldn’t though, seconds later I was hugging my stomach and on my back in bed.

“What are you laughing at? It’s not funny!” he muttered as he looked down at me. He got angry so easily and I always messed up with him, it was lovely. So I calmed down and sat up with a content sigh.

“I did have fun Kellin, stop worrying about everything.” I gave him a little smile and pushed him a bit. He was looking down but I could see it, that tiny smirk on his face, and seconds later he looked up with shining eyes.

“I knew it! You’re a fucker Victor!” he yelled and pushed me back. He shook his head, took his phone out of his pocket and eventually his so beautiful smile dropped.

“Oh fuck it..9.30 already?” He sighed and stayed looking at his phone for a while before getting up. I shrugged a little because yeah, he just had to go. It sucked, to be honest. I was always so bored without him.


It was two in the morning and you may ask, ‘why are you awake at this early hours of the morning?’ but I know you have felt it to. You feel tired but you can’t close your eyes, not even for a second. You kept thinking, and thinking; if you don’t have anything to think about then you just fly back to the past and remember things. I hated these nights. I would go to sleep at like four, and then I would be in this shitty mood I always was when I was left alone for a long time.

The room was dark; the only light coming from the moon. I got out of my bed and gasped at the cold floor. I don’t even know what or why I was doing this, but I just felt like it would help.

I tiptoed through the empty and silent hallways from the hospital until I made it to the garden. I stepped outside and was welcomed with a cold breeze that made me shiver. I hugged myself, quickly walking forward and to the tree. Ah, that fucking tree. Had been there for ages and always was nothing but a tree. Now though, it had other meanings. ‘Secret’ meanings, Kellin would say. Flashbacks from earlier that day were swimming in my mind as I reached the tree. I put my hand over the little marks he had done there and smiled.

“V + K; you always so creative Kels.”
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I'M SORRY. It just took me a lot to update but you know, exams everywhere and bad days and yeah. I don't even know if someone actually reads this but thank you people! 20 subscribers may not be a lot to you but it is to me omg :') I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH KAY SORRY FOR THIS HORRIBLE CHAPTER.