Status: This entire story will be in letter format.



August 22, 2013

Dear Evan,

I still haven't heard back from you, but it's okay. I've heard that sometimes the soldiers never write back until after they're sent back home, but they still enjoy every letter sent to them.

It's currently 10 o' clock in West Palm; I just got home from work. My roommate isn't here. I'm guessing she's off on a date. She's been going out a lot lately and hasn't been keeping up with her end of the rent. She also neglects cleaning up after herself now. Her bedroom smells pretty bad. I think I may have to kick her out, which I really don't want to do because she's so nice.

I saw my sister last Saturday! She came down to visit before her semester started. She goes to UCF in Orlando. I hadn't seen her in a few weeks, and when she showed up at my doorstep I was so excited. We went to the movies and saw Despicable Me 2, then went shopping. We go shopping a lot when we're together, which isn't very good because we're both sort of broke.

I picked up some socks for you, by the way. Since I haven't heard back from you yet, I figured I might as well just get some things together. So I bought you two packages of white socks. I looked up if they had to be specific colors, and I read on an Army website that they usually need white or green. I didn't know if you would need green, seeing as you're in the Marines and not the Army, so I just bought white ones. I hope that's okay. I also picked up some sunscreen for you. I don't know if you guys use that out there, and if you do, then maybe you can keep it as back-up or something. I'm really obsessive about my sunscreen.

I took some more pictures of the beach yesterday. It was really sunny and the water was beautiful. There were quite a few people out at the spot I went to, so it was kind of crowded. I usually like to be at a spot that's a little more secluded, but I was in the mood to be around people when I took photos. I'm glad I was, too, because there were these kids flying kites and they all look so beautiful in the photos I took. I'll send you a copy of every photo I took with this letter. I hope you like them.

I went with my mom to lunch on Sunday after church. My dad had taken my sister shopping for some things she needed for her dorm, so my mom and I had a mother-daughter day. It was really fun. She said she was worried about me, though, because I rarely come home to visit even though the house is like, thirty minutes away. I don't do it on purpose, it's just that I work a lot, and my boyfriend takes up a lot of my free time. I wish he didn't, though; I miss hanging out with my friends.

I'm really tired, so I think I'm going to head to bed. Do you care if I send you more than one letter a week? Sometimes I feel like I need someone to talk to, but my friends wouldn't really understand. I think you would, though. But it's okay if you would rather stick to one letter a week.

Stay safe, Evan. I can't wait to finally hear from you.

Your friend,
♠ ♠ ♠
All characters and the plot belong to me. Do not steal or post this story somewhere else without my permission.