You Let Your Guard Down

The Unveiled Truth

"Hn, so that's who they were." Miyuki said absentmindedly as she remembered the dream she had earlier this afternoon.

The Anbu took a deep breath, as she prepared herself for what was to come. However, it was a wasted action.

No amount of preparation could've helped her with what she did next.

With whole lot of determination and a bravery she didn't know she possessed, she jerked her head up and faced the Uchiha, looking him straight in the eye. It was a foolish move, but she was willing to take her chances.

"Why?" Miyuki asked, "Why is it that I can feel so much hatred towards you, want to never see you again, yet feel so much remorse when you're not there. Itachi explain to me, why can't I forget about you? Why is it that after all these years you still manage that unbreakable hold on me? I said I wouldn't forgive you, so then, why does it feel so…"

Miyuki paused and bit her lip, not knowing if she could finish the sentence. To do so would be to betray her judgment. His crimson orbs bored intently into her hazel ones but the stubborn girl managed to hold his gaze. She's come this far and she certainly wasn't going to back down now. Finally, she uttered the words that shattered her 5-year façade.

"Why does it feel so wrong, Itachi?" She whispered just barely enough for him to hear.

Miyuki hated this feeling, hated being at this murderer's feet. She could easily unleash those five years of fury locked up inside. But why was she holding back?

Itachi's eyes were unwavering and his face stayed impassive.

Miyuki had nothing else to say. She let her gaze fall to the ground. She couldn't look at him. Not when she felt like this. It was unnerving.

Unexpectedly, Itachi answered her question.

"Maybe it's because you've grown attached to me." He mocked.

"Never!" Miyuki spat but deep down she knew Itachi had just unlocked the answer to her darkest secret. Miyuki could deny all she wanted about how much she hated the Uchiha, but it'd do no good. In her heart, she knew that he was right. She knew that even though Itachi may be joking about it, he was right. Miyuki had fallen for the one she had sworn she would never forgive. Now, how the hell was she ever going to get herself out of this one?

Something cold and sharp was suddenly pushed on Miyuki's throat. She realized that she had, yet again, let her guard down and Itachi had taken the chance to lock her in an unbreakable hold.

With her morals shattered, Miyuki had nothing else to do but accept defeat. For five long years she's told herself lie after lie just to keep the truth hidden. There was no way she could fight Itachi, and if this choice meant death then she'll gladly accept it.

"Do it," Miyuki said much too calmly, "I dare you."

The kunai pressed harder against her skin, drawing scarlet blood from the wound.

Itachi lowered his head and pressed his mouth to her ear.

"I'm curious to know as to why you give life up so willingly." Itachi asked slyly.

His mellow voice flowed like honey and his breath tickled her ears, sending shivers down her spine. She forced herself to stay focused on the situation at hand. This was one battle she knew she had already lost. Her façade was broken and there was nothing else to hide from him, or from herself at that matter. This left only one option: tell him the truth.

"You want to know why I'm willing to give up my life? Well, I'll tell you," Miyuki said her voice cracking just slightly, "it," Miyuki paused and with great difficulty told him the truth that's been buried for years, "it's because I can't do this anymore," she yelled frustrated, "I won't fight you, Itachi. I can't." she whispered dejectedly as a single tear silently rolled down her face.

She was glad her back was towards the Uchiha so he couldn't see her fall apart. Come to think of it, Miyuki had never cried in front of Itachi before. She didn't cry when her entire clan was killed in the Ninja war, she didn't cry when the Uchiha clan took her in, and surprisingly, she didn't cry when Itachi killed his entire clan. Miyuki had never cried in front of Itachi, and she refused to let him see her break down now.

The missing-nin's hold on Miyuki never weakened. Her back was firmly pressed against the Uchiha's front. The kunai still dug into her wound but she could hardly feel the pain. Silence seemed to stretch on for eternity as both contemplated this new turn of events. A strong wind suddenly blew in from the north as dark clouds assembled overhead.

A couple more tears escaped from Miyuki's hazel orbs and she desperately tried to turn off the water works. Crying seemed so unfamiliar to the auburn-haired girl.

Thunder rumbled in the distance and the stream of water seemed to flow faster and louder than before.

But still, the silence was deafening.

The heavy clouds gave way and a single drop of water splashed onto Miyuki's face mingling with her own salty tears. As more raindrops fell to the ground, she realized that this was no ordinary rain. Instead of being clear, the color of the water droplets was an unusual misty green.

Wondering if she was losing her mind, Miyuki turned her face towards the heavens. Sure enough she saw more green glowing raindrops falling from the sky.

Completely dumbfounded by this new phenomenon, Miyuki continued to stare out into the rain. All signs were telling her that she should be worried about her mental health, but oddly she wasn't. It was as if this rain was somehow normal. The emerald water droplets seemed so familiar. It was like Miyuki saw this light shower somewhere, a long time ago. The girl urged herself to remember as the rain continued to seep into her skin. Something was wrong and Miyuki could feel it. Her brain seared as if it was lit on fire. A key turned in her mind, and a seal was broken. A memory that was stolen from her long ago swam up to the surface as Miyuki willed herself to remember that fateful night a day before the massacre.