The Chronicles of Grey and Senna

Chapter 13: Traffic

Grey glared out into the distance, his grip on the steering wheel tightening violently when he saw that the cars in front of him were clearly not going to budge for at least another few years. Of course he’d be in this situation on a goddamn Sunday.

When he thought back to what he’d been doing back in the bar, and the charming little waitress that had practically been salivating over him, it almost hurt when he compared it to his current reality.

He looked at the girl sitting in his passenger seat and glared. She was purposefully looking out the window. Smart move.

“So…Senna, is it?” Grey asked in a half-hearted attempt to strike up a conversation.

“Yes?” Senna replied in her quiet, nervous voice.

“You want to turn on some music, or something?” He winced, almost ashamed of himself for asking the question.

Senna finally turned around to face him, her blue eyes wide with surprise.

“Really?” She all but choked. Grey frowned.

“Yes, really.” He said with mock condescension.

Senna looked nervously down at her lap, and then began to dig busily in her purse. Given that there was nothing else to do, Grey subtly spied on what small glimpses of the purse’s contents came into view.

There were those traditional things: a hairbrush, a bottle of sanitizer, a day-planner, and some odd trash. There also appeared to be an entire pharmacy stashed away in there.

Finally Senna surfaced with a CD in her hand.

“You got a stereo in here?” She asked.

Grey took the CD from her and examined it. The name of the group wasn’t one he’d ever heard of. From what he could tell merely by looking at the cover, it was some form of rock.

He put the CD into the player and turned it on. Soft, percussive rock began to play. It reminded him a lot of ‘80s dance music. That was probably what it was. The tune seemed to fit well enough with the excruciating slowness of the traffic.

“Not bad.” He thought out loud.

They sat quietly, listening to the songs play out one by one.

Grey loved music. For a person who couldn’t play a thing besides crappy classical piano tunes, he’d always been incredibly enthusiastic about music, and he loved every genre equally. Since vampires had incredibly acute hearing, he often picked up on every little detail that the song dared allow to slip. In that sense, every song was like a new auditory adventure.

“What do you think’s taking so long?” Senna finally spoke. “None of the cars have moved in the past hour.”

Grey checked his watch.

“Make that two hours.” He corrected.

He’d been more-or-less at ease since the music had been turned on for the past thirty minutes.

“Why? You got somewhere to be?” He asked. Senna looked surprised again -- probably because he wasn’t sounding like such a genuine asshole, but rather like a person who took great pride in being polite.

“Sort of. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment.” She admitted grudgingly.

Grey looked out at the traffic, and then at his watch. He grinned as his favorite kind of plan bloomed in the special, more creative part of his mind.

“What?” Senna asked, obviously suspicious.

“I’ve got an idea.” Grey smiled. “You just sit tight.”

“Why?” She asked.

She got her answer when the car swerved out of the lane and out onto the side of the road. With an unexpectedly cheerful mood, Grey stepped on the gas and let himself relish the thrill of speeding manically amid so many frozen cars. He’d finally found a way to amuse himself.
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The song they were listening to is called "If You Leave" by OMD, and it actually is from the 80s.