Status: whenever i can :D

But It's Better If We Do


It was 3 months later and we had finished the album and they performed for Pete Wentz. Now they were just mucking about in the studio whilst I panicked with Dallon about what was going to happen next. I was so bloody proud of them all because the album is amazing but I don’t want all of their hard work going to waste.
Suddenly my phone started ringing and Pete’s number came up. I literally jumped from the chair and ran outside the door of the studio to go in the corridor and I heard Dallon running after me.
“hey Pete” I said as I answered the phone.
“Rebecca hi I’ve got some news for you and the boys” Pete said.
“ok let me put you on speaker because Dallon is here as well” I said putting him on speaker.
“ok, well I listened to the album and I love it those boys are going to get big I promise you” he said and I did a weird little jump thing and Dallon held the phone not trusting me holding it in case I go nuts.
“if we are allowed I would like to release the album tomorrow and then get the boys to join us on our world tour for Fall Out Boy” he said hopefully.
My mouth dropped open “Pete that would be amazing! Thank you so much” I said.
Pete chuckled “well I want you two on the tour as well it’s the least you deserve for working this hard”.
“oh of course we will” Dallon said grabbing my hand and shaking it excitedly.
“well then the tour starts this day next week so get them ready” he said “see you soon” and he hung up. I put the phone back in my pocket and turned to Dallon with wide eyes.
“HOLY SHIT” I shouted and ran into his open arms and he picked me up in a hug and spun me around.
“WE DID IT! WE FUCKING DID IT B!!” he shouted making the other boys come running out in confusion.
“what’s going on?” Ryan said. Dallon put me down and I said
“Pete loves the album, is going to release it tomorrow and we are going on tour with them next week for the Fall Out Boy world tour and you are supporting them” I said in one breath and watched their eyes turn huge.
Ryan ran into me for a hug and all the boys went nuts with Dallon.
“so we get a tour bus and everything?” Spencer said.
“I assume so” I said shrugging.
“awesome” Jon said making me laugh.
“What about you guys?” Brendon said and I noticed the sadness in his eyes. I had grown really close with Brendon but the Audrey problem still wasn’t sorted and I could tell every time she came round with the guys he sort of looked at me with apologetic eyes. One time Brendon hugged me goodbye and after I shut the door Audrey went crazy at him. I got so mad I opened the door and started having a go at her saying can’t he have friends that are girls? Let’s just say it got pretty heated that Ryan and Dallon came back to the apartment from walking back down and had to help restrain Audrey with Brendon. Ever since then Brendon and I had hardly spoke and we both found it hard.
Anyway Spencer told me he planned on ending it with her before he went on tour so that gave me some sort of hope.
We had been on tour for 2 weeks and things finally got better for Brendon and I. He broke up with Audrey and we were practically glued to each other. One night before a show Brendon dragged me to the back of the tour bus to talk to me.
“Bec?” he said grabbing my hands. My face automatically blushed at the close contact because of my pale skin it just showed up out of nowhere.
“Bren” I said making him chuckle.
“go out with me” he said looking at me with those huge brown eyes.
I froze for a minute, I was about to speak when his lips crashed into mine. I leant back in and he held me close to him. I was about to pull out when the door flung open and a familiar voice entered the room. I turned around to see a very angry Audrey.
“GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BOYFRIEND BITCH!” she shouted before slapping me around the face giving me a busted bottom lip.
I looked back up I wasn’t concerned about her I could handle her it was Brendon.
“You said you dumped her” I said raising my voice.
“Bec I tried, I honestly did.” He said starting to walk towards me.
“obviously not hard enough” I said hitting his hands that were trying to grab mine. I started to walk out the room but I turned around in the doorway “don’t play fucking games with me Urie because I have been played before and you can ask that man “ I said pointing to Dallon whose face was turning red with anger along with Ryan’s “ right there that it isn’t smart to do that”. After that I stormed out and I heard Brendon shouting at Audrey to leave and then Ryan shouting viciously at Brendon and being held back by Spencer and Jon. I heard Dallon’s footsteps come up behind me and he turned me around and pulled me into his arms.
“I wont let this happen again” he said into my hair.
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hope you enjoyed this. i know it is rushed but i wanted this drama to come up so i can focus on Becca's background :)