My Chemical Love Story

Tell Us A Story Gee!

"Sooo, tell me, how'd you guys meet?" Gerard smiled, yet another interview and he was sick of the same questions. Frank and Violet were having a poking war, again, he looked over at Mikey and Ray. Ray shifted slightly, causing his hair to sway. Mikey laughed "Well, I've known Gee since the day I was born!" Violet and Frank stopped their battle, "Hmm" pondered Frank "I've known Vi since our mom got preggers!" He giggled, high pitched and slightly hysterical sounding. The interviewer shot him a worried glance.
"I've known Gee and Mikes since pre sch- are you okay Vi?" Violet had been staring at her arm with fasination since she and Frank called a truce. She lifted her head and grinned, showing her arm to Frank, "I'm good thanks Ray"
"Sweet!" Yelled Frank "Battle wounds!!!" He held up Violets arm and there, just above her wrist, was a small scratch. The same size and shape as the tip of one of Franks nails.
"So, are you two twins?" Asked the interviewer, "Yup!" Smiled Violet
"You know" said Mikey, thoughtfully "We get the same question all the time, and yet we never tell how we met Vi and Frank. I mean, we have a great love story there!" Gerard smiled and turned to the interviewer "How long do you have?" He questioned
"Well, I was told no more than three hours... We've had half an hour, so two and a half hours!"
"That's more than enough time!" Chimed in Ray "C'mon Gee! Tell the story! We'll chime in where necessary!"
Gerard looked from the interviewer to his band mates "what do you say Vi?" He smiled at his girlfriend, "I see no reason why not" shrugged Violet. Gerard shifted in his chair "It all began as a normal day in Belleville High..."
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Sorry it's short, hopefully the chapters will get a little longer! Live long and prosper lovely unicorns!