My Chemical Love Story

A New Arrival

*Beep, beep, beep!* I roll over and groan, fumbling blindly for my alarm clock, "Gee! Wake up! We're gonna be late!"
"Ugh. Coming Mikes!" I then begin my usual battle with the duvet which, once again, ends up with me on the floor. Sometime during the battle, Mikey had appeared in the doorway. When I look up he's creased over and laughing hysterically "Miiiikkeeeyyy" I whine "help meeee" Mikey ceases laughing and rolls the blankets out until I'm lying on top of them "its coooold"
"Tough luck Gee. Up. Now." I sit up and begin to crawl towards the stairs "so over dramatic" mutters Mikey.

By the time Mikey reaches the kitchen, I'm sat at the table with a mug of coffee. I take a sip and hum happily "Mikeyyy?"
"Yes Gerard?" I merely point at the clock. Mikey glances up "Oh, we're not late after all... Oops" he laughs and runs back to his room, dodging the remains of a pop tart as he goes (I didn't throw it, I swear it slipped and flew!) I quickly drink the rest of my coffee and wander to my basement at a leisurely pace.

Finally ready, the pair of us pile into my car. "We're off to Rays!" Cheers Mikey "And then to school" I groan. Mikey turns on the radio and begins waving his arms in the air to Smashing Pumpkins. I mentally face-palm.

Soon we pull up outside Rays house. "Hey dudes!" Comes an enthusiastic yell from the weird bush on the porch "Hey Ray!" Calls Mikey "Rayyymond!!" I sing! (I swear I have a death-wish, Ray hates that name!) He glares and tumbles into the back seat, I flash him a grin and continue on the way to school. "So Ray, due to your awesome hair, I think you should be our bodyguard this year!" Grins Mikey. Ray laughs "Not me, isn't Frank starting today? I know him, he's kinda scrappy. I'm sure he'd take the job!"
"What does he look like?"
"Small, black hair, brown eyes"
"I remember! From your party!"
"That's him! D'you remember his sister?"
"Yeah, Gee was staring at her all night! He didn't stop talking about her for weeks"
I blush and pull into the school parking lot.
"Damn brothers and friends." I think to myself. Mikey had ribbed me mercilessly for weeks after Rays party and now he was gonna start up again! Why did I have to fall for the ones I can't have?

"Gerard Way, get your lazy ass out the car now! There's someone you might want to see!" Yells Mikey, a weird smirk plastered on his face. I cautiously peer out the window, wondering what I'd find, then I saw her. Frank-from-the-parties sister. I quickly check my hair and eyeliner, then I open the door, "C'mon Gee, think cool, you can do this" I mutter. Next thing I know, I'm hanging out the car door with my foot caught under the brake. "SHIT!!!" I thought, blushing furiously.

I can't get out until Mikey, Ray and Frank-from-the-party stop laughing hysterically. Just when it seems I'm doomed to stay there for eternity a hand appears and helps me out. "Gerard, right?" Asks the owner. I can do nothing but gawk at her soundlessly, rather like a goldfish, "I'm Violet- from Rays party" she offered. "I, I know" I stutter "I remember you, the little goth girl in the window"
"That was me! You wanna get up off the floor anytime soon?" Chuckles Violet. I blush again (I'm doing that a lot lately) and clamber onto my feet. "S,so, you just started here huh? Oh god, of course you did um stupid question, sorry!" (I'm starting to get sick of this inability to speak), Violet merely giggles and hands me a piece of paper. Just at that moment the bell for first lesson rings "Well, gotta go! I'll see you around Gee!"
"Y,yeah! See you around!" I call, fumbling to look at the paper she'd given me. On it was a mobile number and the words 'you're cute! Call me? xoxoxo' I resist the urge to happy dance and settle for a fist-pump and a grin, Mikey and Ray gawk at me "That's right bitches! I got a hot chicks number!" Ooohhh I'm just oozing sass today! I very nearly skip to math!
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When does Gerard not ooze sass? Sorry if it's still shit, I'm writing impaired :c