Count On Me

I’ll Never Let Go, Never Say Goodbye. You Know...You Can Count On Me ‘Cause I Count On You

February 2012

After her two week trip to Columbus, Sarah returned to LA and settled into her life with Mike. She did charity work with the other player’s wives and girlfriends and she supported Mike at all their home games. He was out eight games in December with a concussion but the team was still struggling for wins. They had the fewest goals scored in the league in February and their playoff hopes were hanging by a thread as the trade deadline neared.

On a sunny Thursday afternoon, Sarah followed her best girlfriend into their favorite little offbeat diner. She and Julie had grown up together in North Carolina and went to college together but drifted apart when Sarah moved to Philadelphia and Julie went to California after graduation. When she and Mike moved to the West Coast, they reconnected and now they a standing lunch date, every day at 1 o’clock, when Julie took her lunch from the newspaper she worked for.

“I still can’t get over the weather here,” Sarah said after their waitress took their order. “It would be snowing and ice and freezing right now in Philly. But it’s just so beautiful here and comfortable and mild.”

“Don’t you love it?”

“God yes!” The two girls giggled. They chatted about the last few Kings games and some of the upcoming ones as well. Julie had agreed to go to the next home game, even though she had an aversion to all things hockey. She liked Mike though, and she loved Sarah with Mike, so for them, she was willing to let go of her past hangups and go.

Halfway through their meal, Sarah’s phone began to ring. She glanced down at it and looked up apologetically at Julie. “I have to take this, sorry.”

“Go ahead,” Julie waved.

“Hey sweet cheeks,” Sarah answered.

"Hey babe. I need you to do me a favor."


"Pick Jeff up at the airport. He got traded to LA."

"Are you serious?”

“I’m serious.”

“Shut up!”

“Is that a yes?”

“Yeah I’ll pick him up, of course. I have your rover so there’s room."

Mike laughed. "I think he'll be really glad to see you over like the GM or something."

"Well who wants someone from the team when I’m available? When?"

"His flight gets in at two I think."

"Mike! That’s twenty minutes from now and I’m all the way across town. Call him back and tell him on my way. I’ll drive fast."

"I'll text him, let him know you're coming. Just meet him at baggage claim. He's gonna stay with us for now. I’m gonna invite some of the guys over tonight so I'll see you back at home."

"See you soon!” Sarah hung up the call and stood. “Julie, I am so sorry but I have to go. Mike’s BFF just got traded here and I have to pick him up at the airport. You can come if you want.”

“No, I gotta get back to the office”

“You’re coming Saturday night still?”

“Yeah, I’ll meet you there.”

“We might have some people over to the house tonight. I’ll text you the details.”

“Oh no, I don’t want to intrude.”

“It’s not an intrusion. I'm inviting you. You always beg off and haven't met anyone other than Mike. The guys are all really nice.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“You’ll be there; don’t fight me on this.”

“Alright, I’ll be there. Let me know when.”

“Later babe!” she called out as she sailed out the door to Mike’s grey Range Rover. She threw her purse in the passenger seat and drove as quickly as she could to LAX. She parked in the short term parking garage and headed in to baggage claim. She spotted Jeff pushing a luggage cart, loaded down with gear and hockey sticks. She smiled to herself and walked up behind him. Rising onto her tiptoes, she covered his eyes with her hands.

“Guess who!” she sang out.

Jeff turned, his smile stretching ear to ear. He picked Sarah up and crushed her to him in a hug. “Sarah! We’re getting the band back together!”

Sarah laughed at his enthusiasm. “I just saw Mike’s tweet.”
“What did he say?”

“Reunited and it feels so good.”

Jeff laughed. “Yeah it does. I can’t believe this.”

“I can’t believe you’re not pouting. You are actually happy about being traded.”

“I got bikinis and beaches.”

“And me," Sarah pouted playfully.

“And you and Mike and Arnold.”

Sarah smiled and hugged him again. “I can’t believe you’re here! Have you pinched yourself yet?”

“If I’m dreaming, don't ever wake me.”

“Come on; let’s go and get you settled in. Mike is inviting some of the guys over tonight. Probably so he can show you off.”

“He loves me best you know.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “You love Mike best but Mike loves me best. It’s my cookie he gets.”

“Eww! Sarah!”


“Only because I don’t get any cookie.”


“What? I’m only being honest.”

“You’re such a pig.”

“No, I’m a ducky. And you’re my lamb.”

“Come on, ducky. This way,” Sarah laughed as she led him outside.


Sarah laid on the horn as she pulled into the driveway to her and Mike’s beach house and Mike appeared in the door, heading down the driveway to meet them. He and Jeff hugged excitedly and they wore matching smiles. Sarah rolled her eyes at them and Mike caught her around the waist as she walked past.

“You didn’t make out with her, did you?” Mike asked.

“Naw, I was waiting to do that during the threesome. Now that we’re playing together again, I thought it was about time we finally made that happen.”

“No,” Mike answered, holding Sarah tighter. She rocked into him and kissed him lightly.

“Love you, sweet cheeks.”

“Love you too, babe.”

“I love you guys!” Jeff shouted, throwing his arms around both of them.

“You’re lucky Sarah likes you, otherwise you’d be staying at a hotel.”

Sarah laughed. “This was all your idea. If I had my way, Jeff would definitely be staying at a hotel.”

“That is not nice, Sarah. You know you love me.”

She sighed. “I love you too, ducky.”

He kissed her cheek. “Love ya, lamb.”

That night, most of the Kings came over to Mike’s house for a welcome to LA get together for Jeff. “Where’s my replacement?” Dustin’s voice boomed through the house when he arrived. Sarah rushed over to hug him.

“Dusty!” Sarah called out happily. “You know I could never replace you. You’re my one and only.”

“We all know that isn’t true but thank you for trying to make me feel good.”

“You are the most adorable though.”

“Well, yeah,” he smiled.

Sarah squealed. “That’s the smile I love.”

Jeff groaned. “You’re supposed to love my smile best.”

“You’ve been replaced, Carts,” Mike said as he walked up.

“I'm irreplaceable.”

“Yeeeah, about that...” Sarah began.

“Don’t even say it. You sent me porn, Sarah. You love me better than Penner. End of story.”

“You’re so jealous,” Sarah teased him. She led Jeff away but looked back at Dustin and winked at him with a smile.

“Everything okay with you guys?” Dustin asked as he and Mike walked into the kitchen to get a beer.

“Everything is good,” Mike replied. “After what happened in Columbus, Jeff backed off a little...he only called every couple days and we all skyped together once a week. I think he got it. Sarah still sent him porn, and socks and underwear, but that’s just because Jeff doesn't know how to take care of himself.”

“And now? He’s gonna live with you guys?”

“You think Sarah would let him stay anywhere else?”

Dustin chuckled. “I don’t think you’d let him stay anywhere else.”

As the party wore on, Jeff and Sarah snuck out the front door to sit on the steps. Jeff handed her a shot glass and they exchanged shots sitting out under the stars.

“Are you happy?” Sarah asked, leaning her head on Jeff’s shoulder.

“Very happy.”

“No pouting?”

Jeff laughed. “No pouting. No reason this time.”

“Because you got Mike back?”

“Because I got you and Mike back.”

Sarah smiled and hugged him. Jeff wrapped his arm around Sarah’s shoulder and squeezed her back. “‘I’m glad you’re here, cheeto.”

“Me too. Thanks for always being there, Sarah. I know you know Mike would be shit without you but so would I.”

“I’m aware.” Jeff tickled her side and she giggled until she cried uncle. “I’m glad I can always count on you too, Jeffie.”

“You’ll always have me, best friend.”


Jeff’s first game as a King was a win but it was a little more than a week before he got his first point, scoring two goals in a game against the Ducks nine days after he arrived in Los Angeles. Both goals were assisted by Mike. Sarah was in the stands, sitting on the glass, wearing a Kings shirt with Jeff’s name and number on the back. Sarah had sworn to wear it every game until Jeff got his first goal. She waited impatiently after the game for the two guys to appear and when Mike and Jeff walked in, she launched herself at Mike who caught her and hugged her before kissing her deeply.

“There are children present you know,” Jeff said, breaking the two apart. Sarah hugged him and kissed each of his cheeks.

“Thank God I can finally stop wearing this shirt,” Sarah said.

“You love wearing my number.”

“I love wearing Mike’s number.”


“You’re right....I love wearing Penner’s number.”

“Yeah baby!!” Dustin exclaimed. "Replacements rule!" Sarah laughed.

“All of you stop trying to convince her she chose the wrong guy,” Mike said.

“You can’t ship them off to the minors,” Sarah pointed out. “We’re not in Philly anymore, Toto.”

“Don’t care. I’ll figure out how to get them sent to Manchester.”

“Let’s go home,” Sarah said, kissing Mike.

“Good idea. Jeff, don’t come home for at least three hours,” Mike said.

“Three hours?! What are you going to do for three hours?” Jeff asked.

“A lot,” Sarah answered. “And three hours was the suggested minimum by the way. You might want to stay away longer but it’s your choice.”

“But what am I going to do?” he whined.

“Go pick up chicks with Penner. Don’t bring any skanks back to my house though. You go to their house.”

“Got it. No girls at your house.”

“And remember, ducky, if you’re in a jam, you can always count on send you porn.”

Jeff chuckled. “And when you get bored with Mike and need me, I’ll be there, lamb.”

“Don’t hold your breath,” Sarah giggled.

“Or do so you can get out of our lives,” Mike added.

“Don't listen to him, Jeff. You can count on Mike too. That’s what friends are for.”

“I've counted on you two for a long time; I think I owe you now.”

“Great,” Mike said. “You can start by staying away until tomorrow.” They walked outside together and Sarah hugged Jeff when they reached their cars.

“See you tomorrow, Jeffie!” Sarah called out cheerfully as Mike held the door open for her and she climbed in his SUV.

“Hey Mike?”


“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For letting me borrow Sarah, for forgiving me for being an idiot, for being my friend.”

"No one else would have you."

"I'm serious, man. I messed up and you could've told me to fuck off but you didn't. Your friendship means a lot and I'm sorry for jeopardizing it."

"I know, Jeff, and we're good, alright?" Jeff nodded and Sarah opened her door, standing on the door frame and leaning against the top of the car.

"Are you two done being girls and talking about your feelings or whatever?" She asked. "I'd really like for Mike to take me home and do unspeakable things to me now."

"And that is the Sarah I know and love," Jeff laughed. "Take care of our boyfriend!"

"Always! Breakfast is at ten tomorrow."

"I will see you at ten then."

"And Jeff?"


"I'm glad you're here."

"Me too," he grinned.

♠ ♠ ♠
You may noticed that a few things in this chapter lifted directly from Ready, Aim, Fire. They were pieces to the puzzle that felt right to include and expand upon.

Hope you enjoyed this little look into Sarah and Jeff's friendship. You may have noticed but if you didn't, please let me direct your attention to the little sequel link above. I have one last story for these characters and it's way out of the comfort zone of what I normally do but the idea was there and I went with it. I hope you'll stick with me for it.