A Cold December Day

"Its almost like a dream, a different world. That's what comes to mind when I think of the night Jane died. I can't remember what really happened... I think... I think it was a break-in. A robber... maybe that's who killed Jane... all I know is there was blood. A lot. I remember crying, I remember feeling numb. Let me start... let me start from the moment I met Jane that day. It was cold, I remember, I had meant to put on a jacket but in my rush forgot it. It was winter, and my mind was in a blur. If you were to ask me what I was thinking, what I remember, well, Id have to tell you I just don't know. There was me... and Jane, and I think we had just finished eating dinner. It was our one year anniversary.
Me and Jane, we really connected. I remember meeting her sometime in February our freshman year. I finally asked her out in December, but the exact dates kind of a blur as well. Funny, our anniversary was only yesterday too, but whatever the hell happened, it made me forget the date as well, and nobody's told me it since. All I remember is being cold. Freezing, actually. We had stepped outside and I felt this ice cold chill run down my spine, though I cant say I really cared about it. Just a shiver right?"
The light from the lamp just over my head began to hurt my eyes. "Can you please turn that off? Or at least move it?" The man who's face i couldn't make out due to the light responded.
"Just continue with your story, the light will turn off when it does. Now then, you said you were spending the night?" The light was getting quite annoying,and I had been here for what i'm sure was hours by now, but I continued anyway.
"Yes, me and her made it back late. Or at least I think so. It was dark. Anyway, that's pretty much all I remember for the rest of that night. The next day I ended up in some room. Not sure how long I spent in there, but.... Now i'm in here, talking with you."
"So you don't remember anything?" The strange man asked. He had sort of a ruff voice, and if I had to guess, probably looked just as ruffed up.
"Just about, yes sir." I responded with a sort of half smile on my face. I just wanted to leave. I wanted to know where I was. This entire time I had been relatively nice to whoever this was, just out of respect for another man. My mother taught me to be nice, but now my patience was running dry. "Uhh.. Sir, can I leave now?" I asked cautiously.
He didn't answer for a good while, but when he did, he really drive my patience out the window.
"No." He said.
"What do you mean no?" I was done here. I just wanted to get the hell out of here. I have no idea where I am, no idea who this guy is, or why hes asking me all these questions, I just want time to mourn over Jane and no one is letting me! I just want to leave that's it! No one will even tell me the date, which I've been dying to know. For all I know, I could have been in a coma. "Sir, I've been sitting here answering these questions and telling you everything I know about that night. You however, haven't explained to me in the slightest, what the hell is going here!"
At that exact moment, the light shut off and a new one turned on, this time one that was on the roof, allowing the light to flood the whole room, rather than just shine directly on me.
I was in a small room, with only a few things inside of it. Me, two chairs, a table, the lamp, and an old man who looked to be about in his forty's. He had short white hair, and a stubby beard. He looked tough, like his voice was, and was wearing a nice, white suit that looked immaculate, as if it was brand new.
"Son, do you know why you're here?" he asked. I got a little scared, now that I was seeing his actual face rather than a shining bright light. It seemed more personal, and the feeling in my stomach also felt terrible. Like something bad was going to happen.
All I could muster was a slight "No.."
"Well boy, let me explain. The date, is January the fifth." He started to say more but I was so shocked I interrupted him before he could say anything.
"What?! That's impossible, I know it can't be that. Its December! That's our anniversary... unless... unless I fell into a coma or-" He interrupted me just as quickly.
"If you'll let me finish, let me explain. The date is January the fifth, and while your story checks out with the authorities, I'm afraid there is a major flaw in the so called Death of Jane story you've concocted." He said.
"Excuse me?" I asked. What was he talking about? "What I told you is the truth as I know it."
"Exactly." He responded. "As you know it. See son, there was no robber. There was no third man. The death that occurred that night was caused by-" I shot up out of my seat.
"No! I know what you're saying! You're saying I killed her! You're saying i'm the one who murdered Jane? What kind of mindset do you have to come the a conclusion like that! I loved her!" I screamed.
What he did next caught me completely off guard. He chuckled. He actually laughed. Why is he laughing? Who the hell is this guy?
"No son, you've got it wrong." He said. "That's not what I'm saying at all. See what i'm saying is that the big hole in your story is who really died. Jane is still alive boy, that blood you saw? It was your's. The time between that date and today, that was purgatory. You aren't the killer son. You're the victim."