The Girl Next Door

Chapter 12

"I'll just wait here." Niall said as we got to the main entrance of the cemetery. I looked at him, a mix of emotions flashed through my eyes.

"Thanks. I won't be lo-"

"Take your time." He said and smiled, reassuring me. I nodded once and walked through the small pathway.

My breathe caught in my throat when I saw my mother's name set in stone. It wasn't the first time I saw it, but her death was just so much more real here. It just seemed so final.

I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes for a second before my knees got weak and I found myself on the ground.

"Why did you leave us mom?" I weakly asked the gravestone in front of me as I felt tears threatening to fall. The lump in my throat hurt.

"I don't want to be mad at you but sometimes I just get so angry." I admitted as tears were falling freely. "I hate coming here." I sniffled. "Because it just reminds me that whatever I say and no matter how many tears I cry..." I swallow as take a deep breathe "you won't answer me." I sniffled again. My vision is blurred by my tears but I can't stop crying.

"I just miss you so much mom. And Lea misses you too, even if she won't admit it." I say, finally calming down a bit. "I have to go visit your husband after." I muttered, talking about my father. "I just don't think I have it in me to forgive him." I say, looking at the grown and tearing out pieces of the grass. New tears started to fall.

"I wish you could answer me. I know you'd be scolding me now." I say, smiling sadly at the thought. "You'd probably say that he is still my father, and the bottom line is that he loves us. Well look at where his love has gotten us now!" I say a little louder, getting frustrated. I took another deep breathe, calming down.

"Niall is waiting for me. You remember him, right? He's great, mom. He's really the closest thing I have to family besides Lea. Anyways, I should head back. Before I leave, I need to ask you something. I don't know how it works up there." I say slowly as I try to ignore the pain in my throat caused by the lump. "But if you can work miracles, then please make it all okay. I'm sick of our reputation, and I'm sick of being laughed at. I just wanna be invisible." I say as I finally get up. "Hope you're doing okay mom. I love you." I whisper and when I turn around, Niall is there.

I don't know what to do so he just brings me in his arms and I start crying. Hard.
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Hey guys, here's another chapter! I hope you guys enjoy this one, I really liked writing it!

Feedback would be appreciated. :)