The Girl Next Door

Chapter 25

"Lea!" I groaned as she pushed the what seemed like thousandth dress on me. We'd been shopping for hours. Well, two hours to be exact. But it was getting late, school exhausted me and I wish I could've enjoyed my day off work. As soon as I mentioned the dance to my sister though, she dragged me (literally) to every store that owned dresses in town.

"But you haven't tried a pink dress yet!" She said excitedly. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't do pink." I muttered, giving her back the dress.

"Fine." She reluctantly said.

"Why are you even going to the dance Miss Sunshine?" Lea asked me as we walked around. I sighed.

"Because Niall asked me to." I answered curtly. She eyed me suspiciously.

"How are things between you two?" She asked.

"They're fine." I answered, confused at her question.

"You know, when we first moved here, Niall and his family came over and knocked on our door with a freshly-baked apple pie." My sister reminisced with a chuckle. "I thought we moved to mister Roger's neighborhood! Then you came down and asked who they were. Niall was so nice to you, even from the start! He told you his name, tried to shake your hand but you just told him boys had cooties!" She laughed. "But he still came in and you guys have been inseparable since then." She smiled. "And now, ten years later, here we are. My little sister is going on a date with the boy next door." She gushed.

"It's not a date." I muttered.

"Sure it isn't." She didn't sound convinced at all.

"I'm serious. The only reason he's going is so he can impress some girl in his class." I said as I tried to sound impassive.

"And why are you going again?" She asked as she lifted an eyebrow and I groaned.

"I don't know, okay?!" I exclaimed because I really didn't.

"Kaleigh, look at me." She said as she placed her hands firmly on my shoulder. "I'm your big sister, I know you more than you know yourself. Now I'm going to spare you the Doctor Phil's therapy, but please just do me a favor." She begged and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before she continued. "Show him what he's missing." She said and there was so much fire behind her eyes that I couldn't deny her request even if I wanted to. I took a deep breathe before answering.

"Ok! Let's do this!"
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