Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 1

"Almost ready?" Amber asked me.

Amber was my best friend, my roomate, and my partner.

No! Not that kind of partner, my partner for my job. Looks wise we look alike, with both having althetic bodies and our belly buttons and face peirced. Most people don't know but we also have matching deathbats on our hips.

Complients of our ex's.

"Ya!" I called back, putting my last touches on my outfit.

"Kay, we're taking the M5 this time!" Amber yelled back, I heard the door slam soon after that.

I nodded, knowing she couldn't see me. I grabbed my hoodie and my bag.

I slid into the car, and Amber handed me a folder.

"Kyle M. 35, Banker." I read from the paper.

Amber nodded and turned up the radio, hoping to feel somewhat normal while driving to work. But our job is far from normal, and always will be.

20 or so minutes later, both Amber and I stepped out of the car and grabbed our bags.

I pulled on my hoodie, while Amber did the same. We pulled up our hoods and said a silent prayer.

We may be the some best in the business, but it was still dangerous.

Amber had the directions, and lead us through the buildings till we got to our destination.

We knocked on his door but got no answer, Amber picked the lock and I went in.

A guy was sitting at the table, with his head in his hands.

"Kyle?" I asked, not really caring.

"I thought you would be coming, but remeber I have a family and kids, so I beg for you not to." He pleaded with me.

'Sorry, but no" I said starting to reach into my bag. He saw my action and got up and ran.

"Amber we have a runner!" I yelled, walking into the living room.

Amber walked in a minute later, dragging Kyle with her. She threw him on the floor and kicked him in the stomach.

I looked at her, there must of been a scuffle, she had a black eye. And you could tell she was pissed.

I pulled my weapon of choice out of my bag.

"Any last wishes?" I asked still not realy caring.

He opened his mouth but was too slow for my liking. "Please, just think about it!" He pleaded once again.

"Okay, let me think." I said turning to Amber who was smiling evilly. Kyle looked hopefull until he saw my matching smile.

"Okay thought about it." I said pretending it away. "Nope, still the same choice."

I clicked it, and soon the sound I had come to enjoy came.


Except, I had a silencer on this gun. So the boom reverbeted through the gun and left through my hand. I smiled to my self, and wiped the gun and threw it in the bag.

Amber smiled and shook her head "You love playing the victims way too much."

Its true I did. I loved the look in their eyes when I gave them the false hope, but what I loved even more was the look in their eyes when I took that away.

But I was in the perfect profession for my obbession, I got to do as often as I wanted.

Remeber how I said my job would never be normal?

Well that becase Amber and I are in the Mob. No, no the godfather kind, he didn't make us an offer we couldn't refuse. It was nothing like that, I didn't even think our boss is Italian.

Just Kidding! He is Italian!

But seriously, I got in when I found, my conscience doesn't work the same. When I kill someone, I didn't feel the same remorse some people did. The Mob then found me, and I never left.

Amber, does feel some remorse, which is why I usualy kill them. But if they fight her, then she has no problem. She joined after her whole family was killed on night, she avenged their death but didn't leave after that.

Well neither of us left the Mob business, we did switch Mobs though. We used to be in the one in Huntington Beach, but they were wipped out. Amber and I weren't in that particular battle when it was wipped but the minute we found out we ran.

Soon we came to LA, where we found a new Mob that taught us new tricks and gave us another chance. Amber and I never regretted leaving Huntington, except when we thought about them.

Our friends, and our exs.

Maybe you'll know them, remeber how I said the deathbats were complainments of our exs? Well I dated the one and only Brian Haner aka Synster Gates while Amber dated Zack Barker aka Zacky Vengenance.

Yes, Synster Gates and Zacky Vengenance of Avenged Sevenfold. We grew up with those guys, and eventually dated those two. They never knew what we did for a living, we didn't want to worry them or worst get them involved.

But still it was hard to leave them, we didn't have time to say good-bye or anything. We just left, we couldn't risk the other mob finding us and harming any of the guys or any of our friends.

"What are you thinking about?" Amber asked snapping me out of my thoughts.


Amber nodded know what I was talking about, soon we were at our bosses house. To collect payment and get our assignment. Usually people got assignments, but when because of my love for it, he gives us simple kills once in a while.

I nodded to everyone in the kitchen, they waved back. Amber and I walked into his office and waited for him.

"How did it go?" Mike, our boss, asked.

"Fine, the asshole ran thought" Amber grumbled

Mike laughed "I can see your shiner"

"Haha, Laugh it up now Mike" Amber replied.

I rolled up eyes and laughed while handing the gun to Mike, so he could clean it.

He took it and the folder, he put them in a box ad pulled out another folder.

"Girls you'll be excited, you'll going back to huntington beach." He said while pushing in our direction. "Its a protection job, apparently this band has gotten in the middle of a rivaly war. Our partner called for the best on this"

Yes, some Mob work together. We rule different areas so sometimes we help eachother out. But other Mob hate each other and will never work together.

Amber smirked "Are we the best?"

Mike scoffed "For this perticular protection job? yes"

"Are there guys af-" I started

"Yes, our rivals have sent guys after the band, so you will use whatever force is nessary." Mike answered.

Amber rolled her eyes, while I silently cheered on the inside.

"Now go get packed you leave in 2 hours, LAX, Gate 4B" Mike said sliding our planes tickets to me.

Amber loses everything so he usually gives things to me.

We walked out of the office and then sprinted down the stairs, who knew how long we would be gone? And so we had to pack for a month or so, and get to LAX in 2 hours.

<3 < / 3 <3

"Nervous to go back?" Amber asked as waited in line to board the plane.

"Hasn't set in yet, you?"

"Same, but it probaley another band and we're on tour." Amber sounded like she was trying to convince me more than her.

"Right!" I said in the same unconvining tone.

We boarded the plane, and sat in our seats.

First class of course! And if you're wondering how we got on to the plane, episcally since both of us always carry guns on us. And I packed more in our suitcases, we have our ways. We have made friends with the people at baggage claim, they let us through and we slip a few hundreds.

The attendent dronded on and on about the safety producures, that and the lack of sleep, both Amber and I were out like lightbulbs before we even lifted off.

"Kris! Kristina!" I was awaken my Amber shaking me, apparently we had arrived at Huntington, I had slept the whole flight.

Amber and I walked off the plane towards baggage claim. While we waited for our flight to show up, I remebered about the folder.

"Lets see who we're protecting shall we?" I asked Amber who nodded, while pulling out the folder from my carry on.

"It is--" I paused to open the folder.

I opened and instantly regretted not opening it before. There was no way we could back out now.

"Who is it!!?!?!" Amber asked impatiently

I handed her the folder and waited, her eyes got big and her eyebrows raised very high.

She had the same shock, and regretts as me.

[Why? you're probaley thinking to yourself, well here the answer . . . .

We're protecting none other than

Avenged Sevenfold
♠ ♠ ♠
By the way the story is rated R for violence, language and suspence!


so should I continue the story or delete it?