Status: Finished finally, but I tried doing a sequal and it just didn't come out so there is no sequal.

Like Lightening, I Strike Twice

Chapter 11

"Shit" I yelled running out of my bedroom.

Guess he saw it

I loved my room, Amber and I had spent months planning and decorating our rooms. Amber's was like mine but had different pictures. I didn't want him to take the soul mate heart the wrong way, but part of me was glad was glad he found it. I wouldn't have to explain my feelings towards him, but now came the pain and suspicion that he didn't like me the same way.

I ran downstairs and down the hallway to the wall that was really a secret door. I pushed it open and walked into the soundproof den. We had three rooms down here, one for target practice, one to hide, and one, in case we were under attack, was a makeshift medical room.

I went into the "hide" room that was equipped with cameras set up around the whole house. I walked in, not too surprised to find Amber already there watching.

"Look!" She said pointing to a monitor.

I went over to the monitor and noticed it was the one in one of our living rooms. Zacky was pacing around in there when Brian came storming in.

"Whats wrong man?" Zacky asked.

"Kristina. . disappeared!" Brian replied throwing him hands up.

Zacky shook his head "Same with Amber"

"Lost them already?" Chloe asked walking into the room and smirking.

Brian and Zacky looked and her before looking at the floor and nodding. Chloe smirked became larger and she laughed.

"Must I do everything?" She said still laughing and shaking her head.

Zacky and Brian cocked their heads at her and looked at her confused.

Chloe started walking down the way and motioned for them to follow, she stopped in front of the secret door.

Amber and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Shit" we both mumbled under our breaths.

I got up and walked up to the shooting range and started taking my anger out. I heard all two people walk in, one walked in behind me and the other went the other way.

I turned and was surprised to find Zacky.

I stopped and looked at him "Can I help you?"

He shook his head "I'm just confused."

I rolled my eyes and reloaded my gun. I also set up a new target from Zacky and handed him a gun.

He looked at me,and I shrugged and kept on shooting. Soon Zacky joined and we kept shooting until we were out of bullets.

"Now what?" He asked.

"Again?" I asked, he nodded.

"JEEVES!!" I called.

"Who?" Zacky asked worried, probably thought I was going crazy.

I put my hand up when a voice called "Yes Kristina?"

"Anger Playlist 2, target practice room only." I called out.

Zacky looked at me weird, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Jeeves is our computer, he doesn't do anything big. But anything to do with electronics he can deal with."

"And the name Jeeves?"

"Ask!" I replied as my music came pouring out

**"So fuckin' blow those words out the back of your head,
I've heard it all and I'm done with that shit,
You tell me lies, and you get what you get,
so blow those fuckin' words out the back of your head."

Zacky and I shoot a few rounds, he got somewhat better but was impressed at my skills.

"Okay, lets talk." Zacky said sitting on the floor.

I sat next to him and nodded my head "What about?"

"I take it your room design is the sames at Amber?"

"Ya, but different pictures."

"And you ran out like Amber did when you saw that we had seen your rooms?"

"Yupp, I yelled shit and ran."

Zacky laughed "And then you didn't disappears."

"I ran into a secret door, Amber did the same."

"Okay, so why did you run?"

I sighed "I can't explain for Amber but I don't know how Brian's going to take the room. I don't know what he'll think of it, I mean part of me is glad he saw it because he knows how I feel. But the other part is scared its going to become awkward because he doesn't feel the same way, and sadly the scared part is winning."

"Thats not true, Brian does still like you."

"No he doesn't."

"You're right he doesn't love you.

"Thanks." I replied

"He still downright loves you, like I love Amber."

'Awww, you still love Amber! Thats so sweet, trust me she loves you the same."

"Really?" Zacky asked excitedly

"Yupp." I said smiling

"Well back to the topic at hand, Brian does still love you."

"No he doesn't."

"Yes he does." A third voice ran out in the room, I looked up to see Brian standing at the door. "Trust me Kristina, he still love you with all his heart.

I turned and looked away still trying to fight the tears that were coming.

Brian walked over and sat next, while Zacky silently walked out of the room.

"We need to talk." Brian told me

I nodded and turned to look at him when Amber starting yelling for me.

"Kristina! Come here! Come quick!"

I looked at him and mouthed sorry and then ran to Amber.

"Whats wrong."

Amber pointed to a screen that showed outside in the backyard.

"We have company."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay barley anyone commented for my last chapter.

Was it that bad? or what?

So comment please?

**=Song one on playlist